Embrace Your Inner Lion: Discovering Your True Purpose

No more bullshit
2 min readJan 2, 2024

Ever seen a lion longing to be a zebra or an oak yearning to be a maple tree? Highly unlikely. A lion owns its lionhood without apologies. So, who are you really?

In my piece, ‘Don’t be a Content Creator,’ I challenge folks to take a real look at their lives. Are you aspiring to be a content creator for the supposed perks it brings — freedom, financial security, success, perhaps even fame or because you are a content creator?

Lion finding his purpose in life

My advice? If you’re a carpenter, don’t force yourself to be a content creator. Be authentically you. Be the lion! Yet, countless people struggle to recognize who they are, their raison d’être on this speck of a planet. But let me assure you, your presence here is no coincidence. You hold a purpose, bringing a uniqueness that’s unparalleled. Your upbringing, environment, and the people who raised you have shaped an utterly one-of-a-kind individual. Seriously, there’s no one else like you. Why do you think that is?

Your life’s task is to uncover who you are meant to be in this specific time and place. What’s your role? What’s the grand purpose?

To begin, you must commit to being brutally honest with yourself. Often, the answer to “What am I?” comes with consequences. Imagine discovering that farming truly resonates with you while holding a successful…



No more bullshit

I am the Enthousiasmeur. I inspire people to uncover the best within themselves, elevate their organizations to new heights and embrace innovative ideas.