Spring’s Secret Ingredient: A Journey Through Dependency Injection

Marcelo Domingues
9 min readNov 14, 2023


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Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring is not just a feature; it’s a paradigm shift. By inverting control, it hands over the reins of object creation and binding from the programmer to the framework.

This results in cleaner, more modular code that is easier to test and maintain.

Deep Dive into Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection goes beyond simply passing dependencies. It’s about composing objects in such a way that they are only aware of their dependencies through interfaces, not concrete implementations.

This approach leads to a design that is inherently flexible and adaptable to change.

Setter Injection: Pros, Cons, and Usage

Setter injection is often used when a dependency is not required, or when you need the flexibility to change the dependency at runtime. It can also make your classes more readable and easier to configure. However, it’s worth noting that this method can lead to partially constructed objects if the setter methods are not called.

Advantages of Setter Injection

  1. Optional Dependencies: Setter injection is ideal when your class has optional dependencies. It allows for the possibility of the dependency not being set, without impacting the functioning of the class.
  2. Runtime Changes: It provides the flexibility to change the dependency at runtime. For instance, in a scenario where the behavior of a component needs to be altered without restarting the application, setter injection can be useful.
  3. Increased Readability and Configuration: Setter methods can make your classes more readable, as they clearly define what dependencies can be injected. It also simplifies the configuration process, as dependencies can be injected after the object’s construction.

Disadvantages of Setter Injection

  1. Partially Constructed Objects: One of the main disadvantages is the risk of partially constructed objects. If a setter method for a critical dependency is not called, the object may be left in an inconsistent state.
  2. Over-Dependency on Spring Container: Excessive use of setter injection can lead to classes that are heavily dependent on the Spring container to ensure their proper initialization.
  3. Difficulties in Tracking Dependencies: When using setter injection, it can be harder to track which dependencies are necessary for a class to function properly, as they might be scattered across multiple setter methods.

Usage in Spring

Setter injection in Spring is accomplished by using the @Autowired annotation on setter methods or by defining the dependency injection in XML configuration.


public class MovieLister {
private MovieFinder finder;

public void setFinder(MovieFinder finder) {
this.finder = finder;

In this example, MovieLister depends on MovieFinder, but it doesn't need MovieFinder at the time of construction. Therefore, setter injection is a suitable choice.

Constructor Injection: The Preferred Approach

Constructor Injection in Spring is a widely endorsed method for dependency injection, particularly for its ability to handle mandatory dependencies and promote immutability.

However, like any approach, it comes with its own set of disadvantages that are important to consider.

Advantages of Constructor Injection

  1. Non-null Dependencies: It ensures that an object is never instantiated without its essential dependencies, adhering to the fail-fast principle.
  2. Promotes Immutability: Dependencies can be declared final, enhancing immutability, which is beneficial for thread safety and reducing state-related bugs.
  3. Explicit Dependencies: Dependencies are visible, making it easier to understand the class’s requirements at the point of instantiation.

Disadvantages of Constructor Injection

  1. Complexity in Large Dependencies: Constructor injection can become unwieldy when a class has many dependencies. A constructor with a large number of parameters can be difficult to manage and understand.
  2. Circumstantial Limitations: There are scenarios, particularly in legacy code or certain third-party libraries, where you cannot modify the constructor, making constructor injection impractical.
  3. Difficulties with Circular Dependencies: Constructor injection can create challenges in resolving circular dependencies between beans. Unlike setter injection, it’s not possible to instantiate all the required beans first before setting their dependencies.
  4. Limited Overloading: While you can overload constructors, doing so excessively can lead to confusion. It might become unclear which constructor should be used for injection by the Spring container, especially if dependencies have compatible types.


public class MovieLister {
private final MovieFinder finder;

public MovieLister(MovieFinder finder) {
this.finder = finder;

In this scenario, MovieLister requires MovieFinder to function, making constructor injection an ideal choice.

Ideal Use Case for Constructor Injection

Constructor injection is particularly useful for classes with mandatory dependencies that are essential for their operation and where immutability is a priority. It is well-suited for applications where class dependencies are well-defined and stable.

Field Injection: Convenient but with Caveats

Field Injection is another method offered by Spring for injecting dependencies, where dependencies are directly injected into the class fields. It’s known for its simplicity and convenience but comes with certain trade-offs that need to be considered.

Advantages of Field Injection

  1. Simplicity and Reduced Boilerplate: Field injection reduces boilerplate code, as it eliminates the need for setter or constructor methods for injecting dependencies. This can make the classes more concise and straightforward.
  2. Easy to Use: It’s straightforward to use, especially for beginners or in simple applications, as it requires minimal setup and configuration.
  3. Less Intrusive: Unlike constructor or setter injection, field injection doesn’t intrude into the class’s API, making it less invasive.

Disadvantages of Field Injection

  1. Challenges in Unit Testing: Field injection can make unit testing more challenging. Since dependencies are directly injected into fields, it bypasses the normal initialization process, making it difficult to replace these dependencies with mock objects in a testing environment.
  2. Risk of Partially Initialized Objects: Similar to setter injection, there is a risk of ending up with partially initialized objects if the Spring container does not properly inject the dependencies.
  3. Reduced Transparency: With field injection, it’s less clear which dependencies are essential for the class’s functionality, as all dependencies are simply declared as fields without any explicit indication of their necessity.
  4. Over-dependence on Spring: Field injection tightly couples your code to the Spring framework, as it relies on Spring-specific annotations and cannot be easily instantiated without the framework.

Usage in Spring

Field injection in Spring is typically accomplished using the @Autowired annotation on class fields.


public class MovieLister {
private MovieFinder finder;

While field injection is less verbose, it’s generally not recommended for critical dependencies.

Configurations: XML vs. Annotations

The Spring Framework provides two primary ways of configuring beans: XML configuration and Annotation-based configuration.

Understanding the nuances and appropriate use cases for each can significantly impact the maintainability and clarity of your application.

XML Configuration

In the early days of Spring, XML was the primary mode of configuring beans. This approach externalizes configuration, separating it from the Java code, which can be beneficial for certain applications.


  1. Clear Separation: XML files provide a clear separation of configuration from business logic, which can make the codebase cleaner and easier to manage.
  2. Centralized Configuration: All beans are defined in one or more centralized XML files, making it easier to view and manage application-wide configurations.


  1. Verbosity: XML files can become verbose and cumbersome, especially in large projects.
  2. Maintenance Challenge: Keeping XML configuration in sync with the Java code can be challenging, as changes in one require manual updates in the other.

Example of XML Configuration:

<bean id="movieFinder" class="com.medium.MovieFinderImpl"/>
<bean id="movieLister" class="com.medium.MovieLister">
<property name="finder" ref="movieFinder"/>

In this example, MovieFinderImpl and MovieLister are defined as beans with movieFinder injected into movieLister.

Annotation-Based Configuration

With the introduction of annotations in Spring 2.5, the framework shifted towards a more integrated configuration approach.

Annotations allow developers to configure the dependency injection directly in the Java code.


  1. Reduced Model: Annotations reduce the need for XML configuration, making the codebase more concise.
  2. Improved Readability: Configurations are part of the Java code, improving readability and making it easier to understand the dependencies at a glance.
  3. Easy Refactoring: Integrated configuration means that refactoring tools can be used effectively, as changes in class names or structures are automatically reflected in the configuration.


  1. Potential for Mess: Annotations can clutter the Java code, especially if there is a heavy reliance on Spring-specific annotations.
  2. Less Overview: Unlike centralized XML configuration, annotations are spread throughout the codebase, which might reduce visibility over the entire application’s configuration at a glance.

Example of Annotation-Based Configuration:

public class MovieFinderImpl implements MovieFinder {
// Implementation

public class MovieLister {
private final MovieFinder finder;

public MovieLister(MovieFinder finder) {
this.finder = finder;

In this example, both MovieFinderImpl and MovieLister are marked as Spring components with @Component, and MovieFinderImpl is injected into MovieLister using @Autowired .

Testing Dependency Injection with Unit Tests: JUnit and Mockito

Unit testing is an essential aspect of software development, particularly when working with frameworks like Spring and concepts like Dependency Injection (DI). Testing DI effectively often involves the use of tools like JUnit, a popular testing framework in Java, and Mockito, a mocking framework that allows you to create and configure mock objects. Let’s explore how to test DI using these tools.

Why Test Dependency Injection?

Testing DI is crucial to ensure that components are correctly wired and that they behave as expected in isolation. It validates that the dependencies are correctly injected and that the components interact with these dependencies as intended.

Using JUnit for Testing

JUnit is a widely used testing framework in Java for writing and running repeatable tests. It provides annotations to define test methods, setup methods, and teardown methods.

Example of a JUnit Test with DI:

public class MovieListerTest {

private MovieLister movieLister;

public void testMovieListerNotNull() {

In this example, MovieListerTest checks if the MovieLister bean is correctly injected by Spring.

Mockito for Mocking Dependencies

Mockito is a mocking framework that allows you to create and manage mock objects. It is particularly useful for testing DI components, as it can simulate the behavior of complex dependencies.

Example of Using Mockito:

public class MovieListerTest {

private MovieLister movieLister;
private MovieFinder finder;

public void setUp() {
finder = Mockito.mock(MovieFinder.class);
movieLister = new MovieLister(finder);

public void testMovieFinderInteraction() {

In this test, a mock MovieFinder is created and passed to MovieLister. The test verifies that MovieLister interacts with MovieFinder as expected.

Combining JUnit and Mockito for Effective Testing

Combining JUnit and Mockito provides a robust approach to testing DI components. JUnit manages the test lifecycle, while Mockito handles the creation and behavior of mocks.

Example of Combined Usage:

public class MovieListerTest {

private MovieFinder finder;

private MovieLister movieLister;

public void testMovieListerWithMock() {
List<Movie> movies = Arrays.asList(new Movie("Inception"), new Movie("Interstellar"));

List<Movie> result = movieLister.findMovies();
assertEquals(2, result.size());

In this example, MovieFinder is mocked, and specific behaviors are defined using Mockito's when-thenReturn pattern. MovieLister is tested to ensure it is used MovieFinder correctly to retrieve movies. In this context, the @Mock annotation is crucial. It creates a mock instance MovieFinder, enabling the definition of controlled responses to method calls during the test. The @InjectMocks annotation is used on MovieLister, injecting the mock MovieFinder into it. This setup ensures that the test focuses on the behavior MovieLister in isolation, with MovieFinder’s behavior being predictably simulated by the mock object.


Spring’s Dependency Injection (DI) is a pivotal feature in its architecture, profoundly impacting how Java applications are developed. It enables developers to craft loosely coupled and highly modular code, vastly simplifying the management of complex dependencies. This approach not only enhances code readability and maintainability but also aligns with modern software engineering practices, promoting a more agile and efficient development process.

The variety of DI methods — constructor, setter, and field injection — caters to different needs, allowing for flexibility in application design. Coupled with Spring’s support for both XML and annotation-based configurations, it offers a tailored approach to suit various project requirements. Furthermore, the integration with testing frameworks like JUnit and Mockito underscores Spring’s commitment to quality and reliability, making unit testing more accessible and effective.

In essence, Spring’s DI is not just a tool but a transformative approach, enabling developers to build robust, maintainable applications that stand the test of time in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.

Special Note:

Special Thanks to ChatGPT for giving/generating this excellent image and title, since I was out of ideas and my creative level isn’t great. 🙂

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Marcelo Domingues

🚀 Senior Software Engineer | Crafting Code & Words | Empowering Tech Enthusiasts ✨ 📲 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelogdomingues/