How To Add Spaced Repetition to Evernote

Marcin Czech
1 min readApr 19, 2019


NeuraCache makes this trivially easy.

Step 1:

install NeuraCache app (Android / iOS) and connect to Evernote with few taps.

Step 2 :

Just add “@” tag to any of your notes — done. This will tell NeuraCache to import that note and start Spaced Repetition for it.

adding a tag to note in Evernote

Optionally: You can also sync whole notebooks/tags if you wish and easily turn them into flashcards (see here)

If you open the NeuraCache app, you will see your note along with the pattern and its current state.


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Marcin Czech

Focus 👉 Long-Term Memory & Clarity of Thought | Founder of NeuraCache