Having regained some energy and motivation, despite achy muscles (crossfit is a b****), our dream team assembled at a cute little coffee shop in the heart of Novokuznetsk.

Quick rewind to an intro. MK — coffee, positivity, courage and a free spirit. AA (me) — plan, panic, crawl under a blanket, cry. Repeat. Welcome to the dream team.

Back to the setting: coffee, tea, cake — enough brain food and yet so far a fairly empty drawing board. Gloom, rain, google. Sufficient inspiration to come up with a list of places to visit.

Next step — major freak out. What?! Where?! How?! What looks close on a map is in fact 1,166km away equivalent to 14hrs drive and 242hrs “walk”. But first things first — vaccinations, tickets, list of things to fit in a backpack and a blog to document the chaos. Rewind, re-assess, re-calibrate and get anxious later. Who needs a plan anyway, when you have a crazy idea (✓), time to spare (✓) and a great name. Missing the latter — help appreciated.

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