
How to gain professional experience through Externships

Externships are short-term work experiences that give you a chance to explore a career field

Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology
5 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

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I wish I had known about externships when I was starting my career in technology. As a woman of color studying in an HBCU, I felt deeply how difficult it was to find a job to gain experience when I was transitioning to technology.

Externships are similar to internships but with some key differences. Externships are more about observation and learning, while internships involve completing specific tasks. You’ll often shadow a professional in an externship to see what their day-to-day work is like, and this means observing them as they go about their daily tasks, attend meetings, and interact with colleagues.

It is also a great opportunity to show your curiosity! Externships are designed for learning, so don’t be shy about asking questions about the professional’s work, the industry, and the company culture.

Externships are about gaining an understanding of a career path, while internships allow you to directly apply your…



Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology

Career mentor, writer, researcher. Latino 30 Under 30. Sharing my experience along the way • Connect