Launching “Lazyless”

Logo from “Lazyless”

During the vertical lab “Digital Creativity: Apps, games, coding” of #ADandPrLab at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, we were asked to create an application and website for an original idea of ours.

One of the biggest problems in our days is boredom, which we all experience occasionally. Even the ones with the busiest schedule find themselves sitting on the couch and wondering what to do to make good use of their spare time. So, our team, Major Key, came up with the idea of Lazyless. Lazyless is a broad, user-centric project which consists of a site and an app. Our goal is to make the life of our potential users entertaining and more pleasant by providing them choices and recommendations that cater to all interests. On our user-friendly site, created through Tilda, one can find informative sections about us, our facilities, contact info, and FAQ. Our site is constantly updated with new highlights of respective events that are coming up. Briefly, the site is informative and directs users to our app, through which users get to experience the world of Lazyless. The app will be free and available cross-platform. Depending on their preferences, users will have access to indoors and outdoors activities and a variety of categories such as cooking recipes and bars nearby. Our motto is “Click, Check, End your boredom”.

The users, while opening the app, have to either register or log in, and the rest of their journey is rather simplified and convenient. We have also created pages for Settings, offering help to users who may have forgotten their passwords, or want to edit their profile/account settings.

Our top priority, regardless of the obstacles, technical problems and issues that we tried to solve creatively, was to create user-friendly platforms, based on the guidelines and tips provided by the UX Prodigy, during our mentoring sessions.

We mostly used symbols, and social networking terms on both on the app and the website to better navigate the users. We chose a simplistic aesthetic, especially for the application, as it will be packed with events, pictures and links. Through this, we hope to have a calming background that will complement the interface of the app, while also keeping it simple for the users who are flooded with events.

When it comes to the business model of Lazyless, and most importantly generating revenue, the app will contain sponsored content/affiliate marketing, such as suggesting specific events/businesses in order to support our no-ads policy.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Lazyless site:

Lazyless app (PDF):

Instagram page:

Facebook page:

How laziness turned into “Lazyless”,

Marios Moros | Eleutheria Bakomitrou | Kallioph Fragou | Sofia Papamixali | Eva Papantonaki | Betty Tsakarestou | Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

