Leverage the impact of Product Videos

3 min readJul 17, 2018


Product videos are all around the world today, where companies save on people making videos cost and invest on tools for making content based videos. In the world of digital marketing setting trends on fire, video based content is the biggest rope loop to put on your prospects. Animations helps you to reach out your prospects with more ease as you can simply add content, good graphics and pinch of your research too and of course it is all about what people like to see and so they favour that.


Content based marketing is done by all where quality content is pretty less and people who are really interested to read about you will go through the end, the rest will be found only floating around and might not sink into your content.

To make the interested readers drop by, we started adding beautiful banners and images to the content, a little more investment to the content where it promised about making the readers stop by and read until the end only about 20 %.

Then came the idea of making videos and attract the visitors by visually rich content. Yeah! Impressive. So you can now make your visitors stop by and hold their attention for a few seconds or may be minutes.

Why your product must have a video?

Visually attractive content is always attractive and easy to understand, and yeah! The visitors also want to have a quick read only. Small videos help your visitors to understand about your brand and attract them as well. So how much you value every sec they spend on your website can help you earn millions!

Today all your online presence is only ranked in terms of your followers and favorability, to make your first strike as the final one videos can help you make your brand game a level up.

If own or run startup I believe you must be really enthusiastic about your brand’s online presence, and have lots in mind to tell, why not show it through a video?

Graphical videos are really grabbing people’s attention these days and designers are trying to push it real hard to invest a different effort for each video they make to keep the fire burning.

The paid marketing also mostly uses videos, a simple reason behind this is that it auto-plays and immediately catches the visitor who might be scrolling the feed just for a sec.

Markitrend on rescue !

We make brand and product videos with best UI and elements that will funk your mind and your visitors too! Tease your visitors by exposing less and telling them to click the links you provide and use the video as a bait or as an explanatory video before selling any app. Do what you feel like with better perspectives and leave an amazing impression behind.

Interested to know more? Click here.

Writing this blog for the Brand enthusiasts like us!

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We help startups establish a brand from Level 0. With a team of 3 we have raised around 20 startups. We post daily about what we "actually do".