Why every brand must have a Product Manager?

3 min readJul 9, 2018


You must have seen startup people differentiating between product based and service based. Its strange why people are now more importantly differentiating in what type of work they do rather than looking to establish their startup identity. Of course the cause and type is important, not telling you to overshadow but such differentiation can only help you in targeting customers or business but not in your own identity.

That’s why we thought to write about why your Brand must be treated as a Product and so you must have a Product Manager.

A product is not only a thing that is something tangible, but anything that is an outcome of a process and several inputs can be called as a “Product”.

A lot of people got confused over the word Product and think of Product Managers to be someone who can manage their “tangible stuff”.

Your Brand is also a product, here is how:

  • Your brand solves a problem or is having a utility that is being used or going to be used by a large mass of users and are known to be your USPs
  • Your brand is an outcome of inputs of several other tools/platforms or team who act as the driving force behind the brand.
  • Your brand has customers to target or you can say them as your users who are willing to utilize what you are providing them.
  • You have competitors who are providing the same facility as you are but you want to enter to the market as you believe your brand to be an enhanced product.

Makes sense?

So, why not make your Brand a great success by adding a Product Manager to your team?

5 exceptional things that Product Managers do

  • They do end to end analysis of your product which involves several factors about what your user will do with it, what all are the utilities etc.
  • UI/UX for your brand is really important and is taken care by Product Managers.
  • “Competitor analysis” is very important if you are establishing your brand and product managers help you with that.
  • Team management is a part of product manager’s role as they help implementing the required or suitable model for the development of product.
  • Product managers have an inclination towards product strategy and the related verticals such as social media presence, online branding etc.

Hope you are convinced already for having a product manager in your team but confused where to find one?

Markitrend on rescue!

We are a team of Brand enthusiasts who can help you build a perfect brand from level 0. Treat your brand with amazing strategies by adding us to your team. Online presence and your success is our responsibility. We provide you the best product management advice which will help you in forming and refactoring your brand strategy.

Interested to know more? Click here.

Writing this blog for the Brand enthusiasts like us!

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We help startups establish a brand from Level 0. With a team of 3 we have raised around 20 startups. We post daily about what we "actually do".