How Non-Bank Loans Beat The Regular Thing: The Blockchain-Based Digital Platform By Marshal Lion

Marshal Lion Group Coin
4 min readJul 18, 2019


There are multiple entities operating on the market which offer financial help to their customers. The majority fall under the category of banks, shadow banks and other non-bank institutions. The banking system nowadays relies primarily on extending credit to their clients which is, however, a rather flimsy affair owing to the inefficient ways banks check their customer’s credit. Oftentimes, banks perform the checks themselves and analyze their clients possessions prior to granting a loan. There are also institutions specializing in this.

Oftentimes, a loan will not be agreed to simply because of an error assessing a client’s credit. Nonetheless, the information acquired during the process stays in a centralized database subject to attack and theft of personal information. Receiving a loan from a bank is nearly impossible for a new company that has not acquired credit in its name.

With no credit, the only way to secure a loan is through a written guarantee or offering collateral. The process of reviewing the application and even to submit it takes time and effort with all the guarantees, formalities and heaps of documentation. Demand is always higher than banks’ capacity to process applications while installment payments and interest need to be paid on time. There is also a chance of the terms of the contract changing due to the bank incurring unforeseen expenses (e.g., contractor fees).

Blockchain can help solve a lot of the above issues through its significantly lower costs, higher efficiency and — most importantly — greater security when it comes to loans. Thanks to its advanced cryptography, the decentralized ledger that is blockchain is protected against the kinds of attacks and malfunctions that traditional institutions have to contend with on the daily. Investors can use blockchain to ask for loans based on their international credit score and no third parties are involved. This reduces the procedural burden, while smart contracts automate actions normally comprising multiple stages of bank processing.

Through the elimination of third parties normally necessary for a loan to happen, the blockchain technology can make loans happen instantaneously and lower cost thanks to what we call decentralized ledgering. With blockchain, you don’t have to meet anybody, there is no need for negotiations and anybody can — at any time — access the kind of capital they need to get their projects off the ground.

Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) allows blockchain businesses direct access to financial liquidity creating a brand new model of financing based on cryptoeconomics and diverging from the traditional systems.

Blockchain could also offer a great alternative to safekeeping and other bank services. It is estimated by banks themselves that the blockchain technology could greatly reduce operational costs associated with the financial sector through its streamlined payment-facilitating capacity. When we talk about bank loans, we cannot forget the fact that loans are usually granted based on deposits held by the loan-granting bank. Thereby, in effect, the bank uses the borrower’s own money to fund the loan.

Through its modern, decentralized approach to financing, Marshal Lion opens their clients up to a greater number of possible investors since all transactions happen on a global level, bound together by the Internet and allowing businesses instant access to liquidity. All this is made possible by a carefully assembled team of experts always ready to assist the clients (and any possible contractors) in areas of finance and law and thus help them comfortably navigate the world of blockchain.

Marshal Lion has prior experience in financial advisory services and loan-granting. We have finalized thousands of deals in a secure and profitable fashion thanks to our expertise, secure market position and vast experience. Marshal Lion is a reliable business partner for you and your enterprise bringing to the table the security and innovation made possible by the blockchain technology. It is this technology that guarantees every word of any agreement we enter into.

It is the unfortunate reality that Polish businessmen and women need to jump through superfluous bureaucratic hoops to register a company, pay the taxes and hire help. Additionally, when a business is already up and running, it runs the risk of a client not paying up in time, which does nothing to the fact that business-related expenses are periodic and regular. Things like the rent, taxes, other overhead and social security cannot and will not wait. When all amiable avenues of trying to exact payment have failed, a lawyer necessarily enters the picture, which then leads to court cases and additional expenses. Lawsuits have a way of dragging on and there is never a real guarantee of any losses being recouped. Banks often deny young businessmen and women the financial help they need and shadow banking is riddled with additional costs.

Allow Marshal Lion to lend a helping hand in managing your business’s finances. We will guide you through and advise you on the intricacies of the of the banking and bureaucratic systems. To keep growing and improving the effectiveness of one’s business, there is a need for the kind of human capital that guarantees readily available expertise. Our investment market experience makes us a perfect fit for the needs of any business looking for advice and help managing its finances. We guarantee that our services will satisfy even the most demanding of requirements.

The loans that we offer serve to help our clients meet their business objectives. We greatly value the relationships between us and our clients, many of which live and operate abroad. To accommodate them, we offer exactly the kind of elasticity that they require to best optimize their resources leading to their ultimate success. It goes without saying that we consider that success ours as well.

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Marshal Lion Group Coin

Marshal issue objective is to create a blockchain-based platform that will grant investors easy, safe and comprehensive access to the non-bank lending market.