What We Do at Marshal Lion

Marshal Lion Group Coin
4 min readSep 16, 2019


Marshal Lion is a company with many years’ tradition and experience which have earned it a well-established position on the Polish market. Headed by its founder and CEO Bartłomiej Wasilewski, Marshal Lion benefits from his exceptional understanding of the Polish and international non-bank loans market. The same experience allows us to offer clients sound advice on how to manage their businesses and finance new projects.

Marshal Lion’s main objective has always been to help businesses find opportunities for growth, guarantee business security, aid in establishing lucrative business relations, and solidify clients’ businesses’ position on the local and international markets. From its inception, Marshal Lion and its team of experts have stayed true to the foundational principle of this industry.

“We take pride in our clients’ success.
That success becomes ours as well”

Marshal Lion areas of activity

Marshal Lion comprises a number of divisions including:

  • Marshal Lion Capital — a team of experts with many years’ experience, each one of whom serves institutional as well as individual clients. Marshal Lion Capital offers a broad range of advisory services and to help manage clients’ investment wallets. This division is mainly concerned, however, with asset management and issuing bonds. Marshal Lion’s database is graced by Polish and foreign companies, partnerships and limited companies. Additionally, Marshal Lion restructures and trades in the aforementioned entities. The company purchases companies put up for sale, optimizes their operations and then sells them at a profit. Marshal Lion offers escrow services for clients wishing to remain completely anonymous.
  • Marshal Lion Loans — having assessed a company’s financial situation, it’s potential vis-a-vis the market and the purpose for which the loan is taken out, experts at this division put together a client-specific course of action. In most cases this would concern companies with limited credit and new companies as well as funds for new business projects and collateral-secured loans. Marshal Lion Loans enables collateral-secured loans so that clients can put their strategies, business plans and expansion projects into action.
  • Marshal Lion Accounting — offers professional bookkeeping support, business advice and comprehensive accounting services for both small and large companies. Our modern and professional accounting division will take care of your bookkeeping and lump some records. It will also draw up and file your financial statements. Additionally, available within this division are advisory services regarding payroll, taxes, tax audits, tax litigation, bank accounts abroad (with observance of the law) and many others.
  • Marshal Lion Finances — experts at this division offer financial sector-related advice aiming to produce the best possible outcome for any client. This can include a range of financial services and loans. Additionally, Marshal Lion Finance will help the client improve their credit score with the Credit Information Bureau and offer legal, debt collection, personal bankruptcy and financial liquidity advice. Marshal Lion Finance offers guidance with bankruptcy proceedings, both company and personal, while at the same time financing the concurrent growth and projects using financial instruments selected specifically for the particular client.
  • Marshal Lion Group — many years’ experience in the area of business strategy and planning allows the Marshal Lion Group to analyze a company’s situation thoroughly and propose customized solutions for the betterment of said situation. Our team of experts helps implement changes to the operations of a company aimed at optimizing them. Additionally, Marshal Lion Group helps clients set up corporate groups and then remains with the client if additional consultations are necessary. Good and effective help with planning involves setting specific objectives for a given project and then monitoring the process. This includes financial analysis, risk assessment, and improving the prospects of bountiful returns through financial and management optimization. Marshal Lion Group offers ready-to-go strategies developed based on analysis of a given company, its potential and potential drawbacks.

Dedicated Online Platform

Marshal Lion experts and its dedicated digital platform will make it much easier for investors (so far unable to do so) to invest in the non-bank loans market and profit from it. Everybody benefits from our modern and decentralized approach to finances which allows for the reduction in the number of middlemen, lower cost and less misunderstanding. Automation makes every process faster, cheaper and much, much safer.

As part of our dedicated platform, Marshal Lion will make it possible to use its token to invest in the company’s products. Owing to smart contracts and decentralization allowing for unilateral analysis of any project by any potential investor, the safety of the process is guaranteed.

The established market position enjoyed by Marshal Lion was won through over 3.000 loans granted to our clients and is testament to our experience, expertise and very deep understanding of the subject matter together with the associated legal and financial intricacies. Our token is, therefore, a boon for an investor and an outstanding diversifying asset for any wallet.

WEB: https://marshalliongroup.com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/marshal-lion-group-18a0a018a/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/marshal_lion



Marshal Lion Group Coin

Marshal issue objective is to create a blockchain-based platform that will grant investors easy, safe and comprehensive access to the non-bank lending market.