Martin Walker
4 min readAug 28, 2021



The word “chakra” in Sanskrit refers to “disk” or “wheel” and is called the energy center of the body. These wheels of spinning each disk coincide with particular nerve bundles and major organs.

Chakras must be opened and balanced in order to function effectively. If chakras are blocked, one may experience physical or emotional signs related to a specific seven chakras.

The Seven Chakras — Arhanta Yoga


  1. Root chakra

The root chakra, also called the Muladhara, is found at the base of the spine. It is responsible for the provision of a base or foundation for life. It helps one feel grounded and enables one to resist challenges. The root chakra is responsible for one’s sense of stability and security.

2. Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located below your navel. The sacral chakra is responsible for one’s need for sexuality and creative energy. It is also related to how one describes their emotions as well as that of others.

3. Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra often referred to as Manipura, is located in the stomach area. It provides confidence and self-esteem and helps one feel in control of his or her life.

4. Heart chakra

The heart chakra or Anahata is located near one’s heart in the middle of the chest. The heart chakra is characterized by our ability to love and be compassionate.

5. Throat chakra

The throat chakra often referred to as Vishuddha, is located in the throat. This chakra is responsible for our ability to communicate verbally.

6. Third eye chakra

The third eye chakra, or Ajna, is located between the eyes. This chakra is responsible for a strong gut instinct. And this is because the third eye is responsible for intuition and is related to imagination.

7. Crown chakra

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of one’s head. The Sahasrara represents a spiritual connection to oneself, others, and the universe. It plays a role in one’s life purpose.


According to Malaspina, the best way to bring about balance to your chakra is by aligning your physical body through the following:

  • Yoga postures.
  • Breathing practices that enhance energy flow.
  • Meditation.

Below are possess that can help unblock each of the seven chakras.

  1. Root chakra

The root chakra is the base chakra and provides you with the foundation for life. Based on Terrones, balancing poses such as tree pose, mountain, or warrior pose are great in order to establish a stronger connection with your body’s foundation.

2. Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is linked with the reproductive region and is responsible for one’s sexuality and creative energy.

According to Terrones, poses that reinforce the pelvic floor where the sacral chakra settles just like, bridge pose, lizard pose, pigeon pose, are great for reinforcing your sacral chakra.

3. Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra has to do with your inner fire and settles around your core. This is the reason Terrones stated that “core strengthening poses” which include boat or triangle are important to fire up your abs and generate more balance in the sacral chakra.

4. Heart chakra

According to Terrones, your heart chakra is the point of integration between the lower and the higher chakras. it is responsible for our ability to get opened to deeper connections. For this chakra to be unblocked, Terrones recommends heart openers like camel pose/wheel. Other recommendations include cow face pose & humble warrior which will assist in opening up your chest, shoulders & arms, so you can fully hug others.

5. Throat chakra

The throat chakra is our communication center.

Plow and fish poses are good poses to assist with opening up your throat chakra says, Terrones. Both of them assist in opening the back and the front sides of the neck where the throat chakra is found.

6. Third eye chakra

The third eye chakra is associated with your ability to visualize or imagine new things in life by dreaming about different possibilities. Poses that are related to the upper body connecting with the lower body are recommended by Terrones. Poses like forwarding fold/ folded eagle are good for the third eye.

These poses give access to our higher self which is represented by our upper bodies to establish a connection with more rooted parts of the body, and our legs to enable us manifest dreams into physical reality.

7. Crown chakra

The crown chakra is associated with our connection to our higher self. And this is the reason, a pose that comes after all yoga poses such as savasana or corpse pose is recommended by Terrones. This pose reinforced your crown chakra by establishing a connection with your higher self, your soul & help you to remember where you came from as well as where you’ll be going.



Martin Walker

Myself Martin Walker, and I’m a Yoga educator with more than 5 years of yoga instructing experience. I have journeyed various nations, for instance, — UK, India