20 Tips for Healthy, Sustainable Grilling

Mary J. Smith
3 min readJun 30, 2017


Summer time is a perfect time for BBQ and picnics. It is really exciting to cook on the fire, more than that food, prepared on the fire is really delicious and has a peculiar scent and taste. In order to become a good cook and to surprise you family or friends with the dishes, prepared with the help of the grill, it is necessary to work with the fire, to move food in time, to change the distance between the food and the fire. There are a lot of dishes that tastes perfectly, if they are prepared on the grill properly.

20 tips for healthy and sustainable grilling

20 tips for healthy and sustainable grilling

Try not to burn meat

Some studies say that eating burned meat can cause cancer, because of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines that are formed in meat when it is overcooked on the fire.

Grill more vegetables

People usually grill meat, but they forget about vegetables, like corn, potatoes, peas and mushrooms.

Use lemon or beer for marinade

Using lemon or beer for marinade reduces the formation of PAH in the meat, prepared on the grill. More than that, a marinade with beer or lemon makes meat extremely delicious.

Choose the charcoal

If you have doubts what to use a gas or a charcoal for the grill, don’t hesitate, the answer is charcoal.

Don’t add chemicals

Sometimes, people add some chemicals to the fire, but it is better not to do it, if you want to prepare healthy meals on the grill.

Choose organic meat

It is better to grill organic meat because it tastes better and is ecologically produced.

Thin slices

Try to slice meat thinner, it will be faster to cook it. More than that, meat has to be eaten with vegetables, so you will not be hungry and will cook everything quicker.

Check the temperature

To prepare meat properly check its temperature with the special thermometer. It will prevent meat from being dry.

Don’t grill birds in parts

If you wish birds to taste better then grill whole birds, don’t grill them in parts.

Grill seafood

Seafood is very delicious, if it is prepared on the grill.

Choose small fish

Instead of cutting fish into pieces, choose small fish.

Think about the grill gate

Grill gate spreads the heat and is a must have accessory if you wish to prepare food on the grill.

Clean grill

Clean the grill in time and there will be no toxins in your food.

Preheat the grill

It is necessary to preheat the grill before cooking. The heated grill cooks faster and prevents food sticking.

Oil the grill

If you don’t want your food to stick on the grill, then oil it with the vegetable oil.

Use BBQ Skewers

To grill food faster, choose skewers made of the stainless steel.

Don’t forget about the BBQ Gloves

Use the BBQ gloves made of the silicone and they will prevent you from burning.

Choose energy efficient grills

Nowadays there are a lot of energy efficient grills, choose one of them to make your dishes even more delicious.

Using grill basket

Grill basket is a perfect decision if you wish to cook cheese, mushrooms and other vegetables quickly.

Give meat some rest

Give meat some rest before carving it into pieces. If you give meat rest, meat will be juicier.

