How to Create a Strategic Life Plan

Mary J. Smith
2 min readMar 9, 2018


A strategic life plan is like an outline of your goals in life and how you plan to achieve them. It is essential because it makes you focus on your goal and you are always in touch with what you want to achieve. It gives you a clearer direction towards achieving your goals as well as helps you visualize the possible outcome or future you want to get.

A strategic life plan also helps you avoid mistakes that can either delay the achievement of your goal or put a stop to it completely. In other words, a life plan is like a ladder or a manual on how to achieve your goals. And, since it is your life, nobody can plan it better than you alone, therefore, it is a must to know how to create your strategic life pan. Here are ways how.

How to create a successful life plan

Lay Out your Goal

This is a mission statement wherein you indicate what you want to achieve. If it is a more significant goal, you can also indicate minor targets that could lead to the achievement of that bigger goal.


This is your vision statement or what you want to see in the future when you can achieve your goals.


Why do you aim to achieve your goal? How can it help you or what are the benefits you can reap if this goal is achieved? Are there other people who can benefit as well? Aims usually give you a boost of confidence too.

Device Strategies

Lay out the strategies you plan on applying to achieve your goals. Write as many as you can so in case one approach fails, you can try out others. You can even set a timeline on when you plan to start working towards your goal and when you expect to achieve it.

Once your strategic life plan is created, you can now live your life one step at a time.

