How to Spur Creativity in 5 Ways

Mary J. Smith
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Creativity is beneficial in different areas of a person’s life such as in career, business, relationships, etc. Creativity allows a person to practice expressing his or her feelings, save time and money by being resourceful, be relieved from stress, solve problems quickly, inspire other people, improve performance and all in all, have a happier and better life.

However, because of many factors such as being busy, pressure and stress, etc., the creativity of a person deteriorates, and this affects his or her mood and motivation. You can spur your creativity and get it back on track with these tips.

How to spur creativity

Give yourself a Break

You cannot force creativity. You just have to give the right environment for creativity to perk up. So, take a break if you are stressed and do other things that could take your mind off what’s stressing you. Meditate, do sports, exercise, take a vacation, etc. This can help clear your mind and make room for more unique ideas.

Go Somewhere Else

Do not confine yourself in one place like in your home or workplace as you will run out of creativity. Instead, go somewhere else for a change to find inspiration.

Ask Others’ Opinions

Do not rely on your mind alone. Ask for the opinion of others to get inspiration.

Strike While the Iron is Hot

Once you get that creative vibe, do not let it go by sleeping on it. Start right away or else it will just pop out like a bubble. You may feel less creative the next day.

Don’t try to be perfect

Remember that creativity is not about perfection. In fact, it is about imperfections being made to look perfect. So, don’t try to be perfect and just let creativity flow smoothly.

