Top 30 Guest Posting Sites List 2024

Master Blogger
5 min readJun 25, 2024


guest posting sites

Guest posting sites are platforms where writers and bloggers can submit articles or blog posts to be published on someone else’s website. This practice allows contributors to reach a wider audience, gain exposure, and often build backlinks to their own websites, which can enhance SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts. Many websites across various industries accept guest posts, offering opportunities for both experienced and aspiring writers to share their expertise and perspectives with a broader readership.

What is The Guest Posting Sites?

“The Guest Posting Sites” generally refers to websites or platforms that accept guest posts from external contributors. These sites allow writers and bloggers to submit their articles or blog posts for publication. Guest posting is a popular practice among content creators because it provides opportunities to reach a wider audience, gain exposure, and build backlinks to their own websites, which can improve SEO and domain authority.

Guest posting sites can span a wide range of industries and niches, from technology and business to travel and lifestyle. They vary in terms of their guidelines for submissions, editorial standards, and audience demographics. Contributors often benefit from showcasing their expertise, establishing themselves as thought leaders, and networking within their respective industries through guest posting.

Top 30 Guest Posting Sites List


  • URL:
  • Description: A popular platform for individuals and publications to share stories and insights on various topics.

HubSpot Blog

  • URL:
  • Description: HubSpot’s blog covers inbound marketing, sales, and customer service topics, making it a valuable platform for industry insights.

Moz Blog

  • URL:
  • Description: Moz is renowned for its expertise in SEO and online marketing, making its blog a go-to resource for digital marketers.

Inc. Magazine

  • URL:
  • Description: Inc. Magazine publishes articles on entrepreneurship, business, and startups, offering valuable insights for business leaders.


  • URL:
  • Description: Entrepreneur covers various aspects of entrepreneurship, startups, and business management, providing practical advice and inspiration.

Smashing Magazine

  • URL:
  • Description: Smashing Magazine focuses on web development and design, featuring articles, tutorials, and resources for designers and developers.

Fast Company

  • URL:
  • Description: Fast Company covers innovative business practices, leadership, and technology, showcasing insights from industry leaders.


  • URL:
  • Description: Forbes is a renowned business publication covering finance, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

Harvard Business Review

  • URL:
  • Description: Harvard Business Review publishes articles on management practices, strategy, leadership, and innovation.


  • URL:
  • Description: TechCrunch is a leading technology news platform covering startups, tech trends, and innovation in the tech industry.

The Guardian

  • URL:
  • Description: The Guardian is a reputable news outlet covering global news, politics, business, and culture.

Business Insider


  • URL:
  • Description: Wired covers technology, science, culture, and innovation, featuring in-depth articles and analysis.


  • URL:
  • Description: Mashable is a digital media website covering tech, entertainment, social media, and digital culture.

The Huffington Post

  • URL:
  • Description: The Huffington Post covers news, politics, entertainment, lifestyle, and opinion pieces from various contributors.

The Next Web

  • URL:
  • Description: The Next Web (TNW) is a technology-focused media company offering insights, analysis, and news on tech trends.

Search Engine Journal


  • URL:
  • Description: Copyblogger provides advice and insights on content marketing, copywriting, and digital entrepreneurship.

Social Media Examiner


  • URL:
  • Description: Readwrite covers technology, startups, gadgets, and digital trends, providing insights and analysis.

Content Marketing Institute


  • URL:
  • Description: Outbrain is a content discovery platform that helps publishers and advertisers reach their audiences through personalized recommendations.

Search Engine Land

  • URL:
  • Description: Search Engine Land provides news, tips, and strategies on search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO).

Buffer Blog

  • URL:
  • Description: Buffer Blog offers insights, tips, and guides on social media marketing, productivity, and digital marketing.

Crazy Egg

  • URL:
  • Description: Crazy Egg provides insights and tools for website optimization, conversion rate optimization (CRO), and user experience.


  • URL:
  • Description: Kissmetrics offers analytics and insights on customer behavior, marketing optimization, and data-driven strategies.


  • URL:
  • Description: GrowthHackers is a community and platform for growth-focused marketers to share and discuss growth hacking strategies.

CoSchedule Blog

  • URL:
  • Description: CoSchedule Blog provides resources and tips on content marketing, social media, and marketing automation.

Neil Patel Blog

  • URL:
  • Description: Neil Patel’s blog offers insights and strategies on digital marketing, SEO, content marketing, and entrepreneurship.

B2B Marketing

  • URL:
  • Description: B2B Marketing provides news, insights, and best practices for B2B marketers focusing on strategies, campaigns, and industry trends.


Guest posting sites play a crucial role in the digital landscape by providing a platform for writers and bloggers to share their content with a broader audience. By submitting articles to these sites, contributors can increase their visibility, establish authority in their niche, and improve their website’s SEO through backlinks.

The practice of guest posting fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing across different industries, benefiting both writers and the websites that publish their work. As digital marketing strategies continue to evolve, guest posting remains a valuable tool for expanding reach, building credibility, and achieving online success.

FAQs :

What are guest posting sites?

Guest posting sites are platforms where individuals can submit articles or blog posts to be published on other websites. These platforms allow contributors to reach new audiences and gain exposure for their content.

Why should I guest post?

Guest posting offers several benefits, including expanding your reach to a new audience, building credibility and authority in your industry, improving your website’s SEO through backlinks, and networking with other professionals in your niche.

How do I find guest posting opportunities?

You can find guest posting opportunities by researching websites in your niche that accept guest posts, networking with other bloggers and writers, checking industry forums and communities, and using Google search queries like “write for us” + [your niche].

What should I consider before submitting a guest post?

Before submitting a guest post, consider the website’s audience and content guidelines, ensure your topic is relevant and valuable to their readers, follow their submission instructions carefully, and proofread your article for clarity and quality.

What are the benefits of guest posting for SEO?

Guest posting can improve your website’s SEO by acquiring backlinks from reputable sites, which can enhance your domain authority and search engine rankings. It also helps to diversify your link profile and drive targeted traffic to your site.

Are there any risks associated with guest posting?

While guest posting can be beneficial, risks include choosing low-quality sites that may harm your SEO efforts, not adhering to editorial guidelines, and overusing exact-match anchor text in backlinks, which could lead to penalties from search engines.



Master Blogger

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