Constellation Mainnet and Token Swap

Mateo Gold
6 min readNov 22, 2019


Dear Community,

We are excited for the launch of the Constellation Network, Hypergraph, our Mainnet. It is just around the corner!

After the launch ERC20 DAG tokens will migrate from the Ethereum Blockchain to the Constellation Main net chain. All previous ERC20 DAG tokens will become native DAG tokens by means of a token swap.

The token swap ratio between ERC20 DAG and Mainnet DAG is 1:1

A swap date has been set for:

Wed 29 April 2020 6am UTC
Estimated Ethereum block height: 9966936


The swap will happen in two ways depending what option you chose:

  1. Swap on Kucoin exchange. In this case you don’t have to do anything you just leave/send your DAG to Kucoin. They will be swapped automatically from ERC20 to mainnet DAG.
  2. Manual Swap via smart contract. Explained in detail below. If you don’t trust an exchange or you have no exchange account this is your method. Please read the instructions carefully.


  • Withdraw your ERC20 DAG from IDEX, Hotbit, HitBTC until Tue 28th April 2020 to Kucoin (option 1) or a private wallet (option 2)
  • Kucoin halts deposits and withdrawals of ERC20 DAG on 28th April 2020 10am UTC
  • Contract freeze and swap: Wed 29 April 6am UTC
  • Wed 29 — Fri 1 May Exchange Integration Testing
  • Fri 1 May Trading resumes on Kucoin on the DAG Hypergraph Network (the mainnet)

The timeline for the integration testing after the swap could be significantly shorter or slightly longer depending on circumstances. We will inform you the minute Kucoin is resuming trading activity.

Step by step guide (manual swap)

Our Telegram Community (Here will have support from our admins).

If you need help at any time during the process, please reach out to

  1. Make sure all ERC20 DAG are stored on a wallet to which you possess the private key (myetherwallet, Ledgerwallet, Metamask, etc).
  2. Create a new address on the DAG Mainnet using the DAG native wallet (called MOLLY). Download here.
  3. Submit a smart contract transaction on the Ethereum network from your ERC20 DAG wallet.
    The transaction contains your new DAG Mainnet wallet address and a signature with your ERC20 DAG wallet intended for the
    swap. A video walkthrough of how to execute the smart contract can be found here:Video Walkthrough

Contract address: 0x947bc555cd04c2a9035c3e2eb084938be3ec1673

  1. Example: Anna has a ERC20 DAG wallet where she holds her DAG. She executes the transaction to the smart contract to let us know she owns the wallet and what the address of her new DAG Mainnet wallet is.
  2. We will freeze the Ethereum Smart Contract at 6am UTC on Wed 29 April 2020. During this time, you do not need to do anything.
  3. Trading will be halted for a maximum of 48h at the time of the contract freeze.
  4. We will then launch the Constellation Network, with the exact same state (account balances) that were contained within the ERC20 token smart contract at the time of freeze. Your ERC20 DAG balance will be reflected in your DAG Mainnet wallet address balance.
  5. Trading continues and Constellation HyperGraph Network is live . You can access your Mainnet DAG with the native DAG wallet.
  6. Our exchange partner, KuKoin, will be able to accept your mainnet DAG.

Important notes for the swap via smart contract (manual swap)

  • In case you swap manually via smart contract you need to have your private key available for the wallets you hold your DAG in. If you have your ERC20 DAG on an exchange you need to withdraw them to your wallet before the freeze.
  • If you have your DAG tokens stored in a multi-signature wallet or smart contract, you need to withdraw them into a regular wallet to support the token migration.
  • It is imperative to execute the smart contract function for the token swap. A failure to do so will lead to a loss of your tokens and you won’t be able to claim Mainnet DAG after the smart contract freeze.
  • You can execute the smart contract transaction the minute when we publish it — one minute before the freeze, or anytime in between. Important is that you execute the smart contract transaction at one point before the freeze and all your DAG are in your off-exchange wallet at the time of the freeze.
  • You can trade your ERC20 DAG until the smart contract freezes no matter if you have executed the smart contract transaction already or not. However, at the time of the freeze, all your ERC20 DAG must be in the same wallet from which you executed the smart contract function. Any DAG not stored in the ERC20 account indicated by the user will not be swapped.
  • The smart contract execution serves in a two-fold manner: It allows you to map your ERC20 address to the new Mainnet DAG wallet address. This allows us to swap your DAG into Mainnet DAG. The smart contract execution also serves as proof of ownership and control over the wallet that is designated for the swap.
  • If you own multiple wallets you need to execute the smart contract in each wallet or consolidate your DAG into one wallet.


We have contacted all relevant exchanges to facilitate a smooth transition and continued trading.

Kucoin will implement the native DAG token in accordance with the Mainnet launch. After the short integration period of 48h maximum all deposits, withdrawals, and trading can resume immediately.

Due to the nature of the exchange IDEX will delist the ERC20 DAG as they do not support native non-ERC20 tokens. Hotbit, and Bilaxy will not support the Mainnet token either.

Node Operators

Nodes will start earning Mainnet DAG with the launch of the Mainnet.

Batch 0 and 1 have been onboarded successfully already and will constitute the initial Mainnet cluster. It is important to note that the Constellation Hypergraph Network launches fully decentralized out of the gate.


1. When can I start running a node and earn rewards?

As we continue to onboard more mainnet node operators in batches, selected node operators of batch 0 and 1 are running a full node on the Constellation Main Net and earn validator rewards after Mainnet swap. More batches will be onboarded as node operators through late 2020.

2. What will happen to the current ERC-20 DAG?

All ERC-20 DAG will be frozen and become obsolete at the time of the token swap. All token balances will be determined at the snapshot freeze date and ported to the native chain. ERC-20 DAG will not disappear from the Ethereum Blockchain after the freeze, but will become obsolete. Any Balance changes on the ERC-20 DAG after the token swap to mainnet will not have any effect or use on the main net DAG tokens.

3. Does IDEX or other decentralized exchanges work after the swap?

No. Decentralized exchanges function on the Ethereum Blockchain. Therefore they do not support any native token for any Main Net. You should withdraw your tokens from these exchanges into Kucoin or into your private wallet for which you do possess the private key.

4. What will happen if I do not migrate my funds into an appropriate wallet or exchange in time?

Your ERC20 DAG tokens will not be swapped to Main net DAG.

5. What is the best wallet for the Constellation Main Net?

You can use Constellations official wallet called Molly. Download Molly here.

6. Can I lose my ERC-20 DAG?

ERC20 DAG will become obsolete after the Mainnet swap. You need to execute the smart-contract transaction or leave your tokens on Kucoin to be registered for the Mainnet swap. If you don’t execute the smart contract transaction before the freeze or you don’t leave your ERC20 DAG on Kucoin, your ERC20 DAG will not be swapped and you won’t be getting DAG Mainnet tokens.

7. What happens if I don’t execute the smart contract function before the freeze or don’t leave my tokens on Kucoin?

If you don’t leave your tokens on Kucoin for the swap or you don’t execute the smart contract function before the freeze, your ERC20 DAG will not be swapped and you won’t be getting DAG Mainnet tokens. In effect your ERC20 DAG will become obsolete and worthless.

Documentation and Links

Official Token Swap Announcement by CEO Ben Jorgensen

Download Molly Main net wallet
Video walkthrough for Molly wallet
Molly Overview and install guide

☑ Manual Swapping contract Video Walkthrough
☑ Manual Swap contract: 0x947bc555cd04c2a9035c3e2eb084938be3ec1673
ABI for manual swap

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