Meet Molly. The Constellation Mainnet Wallet Installation Guide

Mateo Gold
5 min readFeb 7, 2020


Before we start

Today, Molly has limited functionality but more features will be coming out soon as we deploy the Hypergraph Network! Use Molly to create your native $DAG wallet, set up your keys for security, and generate your own native $DAG address.

Your new native $DAG address can be used to map your ERC-20 $DAG for the token swap.

WARNING: DO NOT SEND ERC20 $DAG to the Molly wallet!

*Please note, we will provide email communication for the featured ERC-20 to native $DAG token swap. If you would like faster updates and have additional questions, The Best Community in Crypto will help support you through our telegram community:

Please be sure to follow us on Twitter as well:

*You will be able to swap your tokens on the Kucoin exchange simply by leaving your ERC-20 $DAG in your exchange wallet. Please create your Molly native wallet regardless and to transfer tokens off the exchange after the token swap. OR if you don’t want to swap with Kucoin use Molly to generate a Mainnet wallet address for the swapping contract.

For more information on how to prepare for a manual mainnet token swap, read and watch this tutorial:

For additional materials, articles, and videos:

Getting started with Molly — Download & Install

  1. Go to

2. Click to download (select your operating system. Following example is based on the Mac version)

Choose your operating system and download

3. Install. Open file in your download folder and add the Molly wallet to your application folder. To do so just drag and drop the Molly wallet Icon onto the Applications folder.

Drag and drop the icon onto the applications folder

4. Go to the Application Folder and open the Molly Wallet Application. Use right-click open to open the application. If you open it with a normal double-click you won’t be able to open the package and a warning appears.

5. Confirm open.

Choose option Open.

6. Molly will download addtional code libraries in order to tun properly. Depending on your internet speed this might take a little bit. If it does not progress restart the application.

7. Molly needs the Java Developer Kit (JDK) in order to run properly. If you haven’t installed it already get it here

Download the Java JDK if you haven’t installed it already

Generate a New Wallet

1. Click “CREATE NEW WALLET” on the Molly login screen. If you start Molly for the first time you will need to create a new wallet first.

2. Select a directory click “BROWSE” where the encrypted wallet file will be stored

Click browser to select a folder to store the wallet file
Choose name and folder where to store you wallet file
Directory path shown after selection

3. Choose a Key Alias. The Key Alias is an additonal identifier for your wallet. You will need it together with both passwords to access your wallet.

Choose a Key Alias
Example of a Key Alias

4. Choose a Keystore Password. The password has to contain upper case, lowercase and a special character. A minimum of 8 characters is needed. Note down your passwords and Key Alias. If you forget them there is no way to access the wallet anymore.

Choose a Keystore password

5. Choose a Key Password. The password has to contain upper case, lowercase and a special character. A minimum of 8 characters is needed. Note down your passwords and Key Alias. If you forget them there is no way to access the wallet anymore. You need both Keystore and Key passwords and the Key Alias.

Choose a key password

6. Optionally you can choose a Wallet Label

Example of a Wallet Label

7. Click Create

Molly is setting up your new wallet

8. Accept Enduser License Agreement in order to proceed

9. Welcome to your new Molly Wallet!

10. New features and functionalities will be coming soon!
Molly is your new gateway to your DAG tokens and many other functionalities on the Constellation Main Net. Molly will grow with the Network and the community and be the hub for many features and functionalities on the Constellation Hypergraph Network.


Molly is the DAG Mainnet Wallet and is not compatible with ERC20 DAG Tokens. They will be lost if you send ERC20 DAG to Molly.

Token Swap Information

  1. The Swap will be conducted in March 2020. The exact date (blockheight) will be announced.
  2. Kucoin supports on-exchange swap. That means you can leave your ERC20 DAG on Kucoin and it will be swapped automatically. After the swap you can withdraw the Mainnet DAG to the Molly wallet.
  3. Addionally, we also support a manual swap with the ERC20 smart contract. This is for users who don’t trust an exchange or want to keep custody over their tokens.
    A detailed walkthrough through the swapping contract can be found here

