The Quorum Team is Coming Back to ETHDenver!

Matt Wright
4 min readJan 29, 2020


This isn’t our first rodeo in Colorado…

… but it is our second. The Quorum team is very excited to reunite with the Ethereum ecosystem at ETHDenver 2020 for a weekend of buidling. Not to mention all of the unique experiences that derive from bringing together a herd of bufficorns (still can’t get over Austin’s burner wallet)! That being said, if you were at ETHDenver last year, you may have stopped by our booth to see what we were up to, or committed to a Quorum bounty. If you didn’t catch us— now is the time!

Why should I build with Quorum?

Quorum is a fork of the Go Ethereum client (geth), the official GoLang implementation of the Ethereum protocol, designed to process private transactions with a permissioned group of known participants. It’s enterprise-ready, open-source blockchain platform, based on Ethereum that addresses specific challenges to blockchain adoption within an enterprise environment such as privacy, speed, throughput. Quorum supports both transaction-level privacy and network-wide transparency, and is customizable to business requirements. The protocol was developed and maintained by J.P. Morgan under an open source project under GPL license — so you can start building right away!

The primary features of Quorum (extensions from Ethereum):

  • Transaction and contract privacy
  • Multiple voting-based consensus mechanisms
  • Network/Peer permissions management
  • Higher performance

Quorum currently includes the following components:

  • Quorum Node (modified Geth Client)
  • Transaction Manager (Tessera)
  • Encryption Enclave

Now, we typically see use-cases around industry problems that involve geographically distributed entities, spotty trust between members, and no reason or need for central control amongst a group of known participants. When some of these conditions are met, we typically find solutions in asset or supply chain systems, multi-party and organizational decision making via multi-sig contracts, real time auditing, operational transparency, and data integrity use-cases.

With this in mind, some of the many use-cases and applications using Quorum have been video game royalties, healthcare data management, and even the tokenization of gold bars. If you want to see the full list of 50+ real world use-cases for Quorum, check this out!

What’s the Quorum team looking for?

We want to see what kind of tools, APIs, and/or DApps developers can build on Quorum. We‘ll go over the bounties below, but here are the bounties we released last year just to give you an idea.

What was built with Quorum? Well, here are the teams that build on Quorum and received bounties at ETHDenver 2019. Without diving into that link, one of the teams built a seamless web3 gaming experience with no extensions, no modals, just play. There was also a permissioned security token standard which enables global issuance and trading of ERC20 digital assets compliant with offering and investor level regulation on Quorum, and lastly, a tracking dApp where users race to complete a treasure hunt to be the fastest to scan all the QR codes in sequence. We had no idea what to expect with all of the projects but were surprised in the best of ways…

Ok, ok — here are the Quorum bounties for ETHDenver 2020..

1/ Best app for Quorum

We’re looking for the best use of quorum features building something like Tornedocash on Quorum, Dai for Quorum to mainnet transfers, or even cross chain token swaps. Please get creative with it!

Two (2) teams to receive:

2/ Enhancement or extension of Quorum tools

Buidl on top of Quorum using projects such as Qubernetes, Remix Plugin, Quorum cloud, truffle…. We want to see more extentions that play with public Ethereum and additional tools for devs to access in general when using Quorum.

Two (2) teams to receive:

We are open to new ideas— we want to see what you can build! If you have an idea that you think would be a great contribution to Quorum, please reach out to us on Slack or come find us at our booth at ETHDenver!

I already know Quorum — what’s new?

If you haven’t been keeping up with our Github, or Slack, there’s been a number of major updates. As of recent, Quorum Remix plugin is live for Remix IDE, web3j-quorum has been updated, Quorum v2.4.0 is available, and latest Tessera, version 0.10.2, also introduces support for alternative keygen curves among many other features. There’s a lot more coming these next few months, so stay close to Slack and our Github!

Let’s get started with Quorum!

There’s a ton of resources we have available for developers — if there’s anything else you need, the core development team is on Slack (pretty much) 24/7.

Can’t wait to see you all in Denver!

Matt Wright

Community Manager, Quorum

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Matt Wright

Community @GoQuorum | Building decentralized communities in the blockchain ecosystem