Swift : Factory Pattern

Jay Mayu
3 min readJul 20, 2018

Factory pattern can come in handy when you want to reduce the dependency of a class on other classes. On the other hand, it encapsulates the object creation process and users can simply pass in parameters to a generic factory class without knowing how the objects are actually being created. Also it gives you a clean code.

Let’s begin by creating a protocol (You can achieve the same with a super class too but I like protocol as it enforces certain rules to the classes that are confirming). If you don’t know protocol, then please go refer my article on the topic.

protocol Human {    var name : String {get set}    func run()
func eat()
func sleep()

Since we have our protocol ready let’s create two classes named Soldier and Civilian.

class Soldier{}class Civilian{}

Now it’s time to conform to the protocol Human to these classes and implement the methods.

class Soldier : Human{    var name: String    init(SoldierName soldiername : String) {
self.name = soldiername
func run() {
print("soldier \(name) is running")…

