Announcing: the Type Designer Survey!

Mary Catherine Pflug
2 min readSep 7, 2017


It’s here, folks. As a follow up to The Font Purchasing Habits Survey (2016 & 2017) where I evaluated the habits and opinions of font customers, I’ve created another survey, this time focused on type designers.

If you’re a type designer, I invite you to share your thoughts on the hard-hitting topics facing type designers and the type industry today (like discounting, plagiarism, challenges of selling, and threats to our industry) in order to help increase everyone’s understanding of the type industry as a whole. It will take less than 10 minutes, and is complete anonymous.

As always, the results of this survey will be shared with the public. It is important to develop the best big-picture view of our industry, from both the customer perspective and the foundry perspective. To succeed in the changing times ahead, we must go forward with a clear picture of the challenges we face.

Question examples include:

Is discounting good for the type industry?

How satisfied are you with the existing options for font distributors, type blogs/review websites, and type education organizations?

Do you consider fonts to be tools, or more of a form of fine art?

What is your font editor of choice?

What is the biggest issue facing the type industry today?

You can take the survey here or visit



Mary Catherine Pflug

Heads Foundry Product & Ops for @Monotype. Opinions are my own.