MEDIA Protocol’s CryptoCatnip dApp Goes Open Source

MEDIA Protocol
3 min readSep 4, 2018


The long hot summer and market downturn have not deterred James and the MEDIA Protocol Team. They’ve continued their hard work behind the scenes, relentlessly moving towards their goal of revolutionising the digital content ecosystem, and the exchange of data and value between publishers and consumers. As a result, there have been many new and exciting developments recently. These included major updates to the MEDIA Protocol website and whitepaper as well as the announcement of the new Marketing Advisory Team.

To add to these significant milestones, James and the Team are excited to share another major announcement: CryptoCatnip, our proof of concept dApp, has gone open source.

Making CryptoCatnip’s Code Open Source

Can you truly be decentralised if you’re not open source?

James Tabor, MEDIA Protocol’s CEO, doesn’t think so. This is why the core protocol is already available on GitHub. And this is why CryptoCatnip’s code has been made available too, after six months of building and refinement. James had this to say about going open source with CryptoCatnip:

“Making CryptoCatnip’s code open source makes it easier for developers to experiment with MEDIA Protocol and its features. We have been making major parts of the project open source from the beginning, and will continue to as we progress. Blockchain as a technology and movement are entwined with the open source approach. By giving developers a head-start in developing their own dApps around MEDIA Protocol we are hoping to see adoption and experimentation with the project.”

Although there will be some work involved for developers looking to incorporate MEDIA Protocol within their iterations of the CryptoCatnip source code, it will be a far quicker approach than starting from scratch. However, the MEDIA Protocol team will be able to provide some support to developers looking for assistance with the code.

MEDIA Protocol Tools

The building work doesn’t stop here though. There are more tools currently under development to assist brands and content producers with implementing MEDIA Protocol and gaining the true consumer engagement insights and analytics that the protocol’s data will provide.

“We are building out the ‘Publisher Portal’ which will allow non-technical staff at brands, content creators, and promoters to set parameters and extract analytics without having to write solidity. Later in the year, closer to early 2019, we will be focusing on Web and Mobile SDKs that will make it quicker and easier to add MEDIA Protocol capability to existing sites and applications.” James Tabor, MEDIA Protocol CEO.

As the project continues to develop, the end goal of creating a better more transparent digital content ecosystem, giving brands visibility about how consumers interact with and share content, and consumers frictionless access to that content, is becoming more of a reality.

Keep an eye out for further important announcements and your chance to meet our new Blockchain Advisors.

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MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol is a transparent blockchain content sharing system. People value content. We add value to great content with MEDIA tokens.