The Bluenecks Götterdämmerung

Meir Stieglitz
2 min readJun 1, 2024


The Bluenecks’ Götterdämmerung

The news of providing so-prudent Ukraine with a “limited” authorization to launch American long-range weapons into Russia, affirms that the U.S. is in the hold of “Blueneck” Zeitgeist (my term for the amalgamation of triumphalist jingoism and liberal sanctimony). In the context of the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine, the Bluenecks (kind of neo-Neocons) are marked by adherence to these tenets:

The infantile “Bully theory of international politics” (Putin will submit to only power, and more power), seared in their psyches during their pathetic high school days; NATO didn’t expand, it was invited against Russian looming imperialist designs (yea, especially in the Nineties, when Russia was on the verge of socio-economic impulsion after its unilateral withdrawal from the lands the Red Army liberated from the Nazis) ; neo-Domino theory — Putin’s Russia is out to first conquer Ukraine and then it will come for the EU and finish with America; Putin won’t dare to go nuclear, he’s afraid for his dear life (yep); Deploying the ABM systems on Russia’s borders, a most aggressive and stability-shaterring stragic move, was necessary for the defense of the West: and the most despicable abuse the ethically-sacred “Moral Clarity” pennant — even shoddier than the way of Cheney’s justification for the Iraq invasion — by juxtaposing Russia vs. the West as analogous to the Nazis vs. the Allies (chief among those twisted abusers of moral-history is T. Snyder and his sanctimonious war-mongers followers).

In the Biden administration, the Bluenecks are led by A. Blinken and J. Sullivan, who, more and more, appear as scions of R. Perle, the “Prince of Darkness” in the times before Gorbachev’s humanity-saving, so short-lived, Universalist revolution.

When coupled with (emerging-dictator) Putin’s mixture of expansionist irridentism (not wholly unjustified) and the looming, not-unfounded (within the nuclear-game “fuzzy” logic), fears of weakening deterrence, the Biden’s administration policy of no-ceasefire-for-you (not unlike the one in the context of the Gaza special Israeli military operation) and a blatant, even jovial, renewal of the nuclear arms race (reciprocated in Moscow) is bringing humanity even closer to superpowers-clash. The global system-balance is even more precarious than it was during the so-called Cold War.

Go ahead, strike with America’s advanced missiles some more Russian early warning stations, Clio won’t be that forgiving the second time around the nuclear brink. Facing a Bluenecks Götterdämmerung: Give us Trump (a moral-leper and a felon, that he is), or give us tickets to (clearly Anti-Semite) Musk’s Starship!




Meir Stieglitz

Teacher of Universalism; Scholar of the Nuclear Age; Open sea swimmer