Conversing with Shadows: An AI/ChatGPT-Human Synergy in Unraveling Dreamscapes 1/2

Simon Hardy
4 min readJun 21, 2023


Unlocking the mind’s mysteries with AI: delve into how ChatGPT enhances dream analysis and lucid dreaming without replacing the human touch.

Introduction: A Personal Odyssey into the Subconscious

Throughout the years, I’ve embarked on a unique odyssey — understanding my mental health through exploring my dreams. These ethereal visions are subtle whispers from my subconscious, revealing hidden thoughts and emotions. I’ve honed the skill of lucid dreaming, consciously participating in these nightly reveries, shaping them at will.

“In dreams, we have the power to do anything and become anything. It is our most free state of mind.” Stephen LaBerge

1. AI as a Companion: Enhancing Human Capabilities with ChatGPT

To enrich this mental vacation, I engaged with ChatGPT, a sophisticated AI model from OpenAI. This digital companion has given me a novel approach to analysing, recording, and exploring my dreams’ depth. However, it hasn’t replaced my trusted psychologist but augmented the introspective/reflective process, providing an additional perspective for interpreting my subconscious narratives.

Fine-tuning AI: The Art of Crafting Effective Prompts

The synergy with ChatGPT lies in the unique experience of crafting meaningful prompts. It reflects that the output of any AI is only as good as the input it receives. I use my real-life experiences, discussions with my psychologist, and knowledge of dream interpretation to shape the prompts, emphasizing the importance of asking the right questions.

Description of your dream: _________

Please interpret my dream using techniques from the following books:

1. Wish Fulfillment (from "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud)
2. Collective Unconscious (from "Man and His Symbols" by Carl Jung)
3. Active Imagination (from "Inner Work" by Robert A. Johnson)
4. Dream Symbol Dictionary (from "The Dream Book" by Betty Bethards)
5. Historical and Cultural Context (from "Dreams: A Study of the Dreams of Jung, Descartes, Socrates, and Other Historical Figures" by Marie-Louise von Franz)

Main topics:
1. __________ - Emotion: _________
2. __________ - Emotion: _________
3. __________ - Emotion: _________

Overall Emotion from Beginning to End: _________

2. Re-imagining Education: Fostering a Culture of Inquiry

This cooperative endeavour with ChatGPT throws light on an imperative aspect of our educational system: the ability to ask incisive/intelligent questions. Our AI-driven dialogues show that the quality of questions can mould the value of responses. Education should be more than knowledge accumulation but about nurturing inquiry and critical thinking skills.

3. AI: Amplifying Human Potential, Not Eliminating Jobs

The apprehension that AI might render jobs obsolete is a common concern. Yet, my experience with ChatGPT paints a different picture. AI, while formidable, requires substantial human input to function effectively. It is not here to take jobs but to act as a catalyst that amplifies human potential broadens our capacity, and enriches our journeys.

4. A Portal to Future Discourses: AI in Dream Analysis and Education Reform

The collaboration with ChatGPT in decoding the language of dreams is just a glimpse into the vast potential of AI in amplifying our cognitive capacities. It accentuates that while AI tools can automate and enhance certain aspects of our tasks, they still heavily rely on human expertise, experience, and the power of critical thinking.

The process also underlines the significance of how we pose questions and approach problems, a skill that should be deeply ingrained into our education system from the earliest stage. It reinforces the idea that in the age of AI, we need to foster a culture of curiosity and inquiry in learners, equipping them with the ability to ask the right questions and gain specific knowledge.

This discourse serves as a portal to broader, deeper conversations on the convergence of AI and mental health and the necessary evolution of our educational systems. Stay tuned for more discussions in the following articles. We will further delve into the applications of ChatGPT in dream analysis and the pivotal role of education in the AI age.

Author Bio: I am the founder of CitizeAi_. My mission is to democratize AI and make it an accessible tool for everyone. My approach to AI and Data Strategy is rooted in humanistic principles, enabling me to develop solutions with a positive societal impact. I believe in transparency, self-awareness, and vulnerability and strive to foster open discussions on various topics. I invite you to connect with me as we shape the future of AI together. Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this article are those of CitizeAi_ and my own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company.



Simon Hardy

Founder of CitizeAi_ | AI Strategist & EU Policy Expert | Championing European Values | Innovating Public Services & Citizen Engagement