Making your Life Count with 4Cs — ( The Capacity of a Mother)

Mesonrale Ope Seun
8 min readAug 26, 2019


This article is the complete material of a WhatsApp group that I was invited to be the lead presenter to the youth of RCCG Lagos Province 64 YAYA

image credit : pixabay

Hello! The core of my message is that people need to rise to demand life places on them. Today’s teaching may be a little bit hard but please hear me out. These words have been on my mind for a while and I believe our topic tonight on capacity is a good place to discuss it.


My name is Opeoluwa Mesonrale, I am your facilitator for Mondays in August 2019, to discuss on “Making your life count with 4Cs”. The 4Cs are Courage, Competence, Capacity, and Character. This week we will discuss capacity.

Recap for Episode 1& 2

If by chance you missed my teaching on Courage and Competence, I will advise you to read up, so that you get up to speed with this episode.

Episode 1 : Courage


Episode 2: Competence

This teaching is divided into four topics

Week 1: The Courage of a Son

Week 2: The Competent hand of a Maid

Week 3: The Capacity of a Mother: Mother love’s breeds Capacity

Week 4: The Character of a Father

My heart is troubled because today teaching might be rough and hard for some people. I am taking you on a journey, don’t be too quick to jump to a conclusion or take what I am saying out of context. And I am always open to questions. There is a lot I can learn from you, my friend.

A quick reminder, I am a Christian and I believe and submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. I will never deny the awesomeness of God’s power and the grace Jesus brought for all humanity by the virtual of his death.

The Capacity of a Mother

Text: Matt 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Eph 1: 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ

One of my favorite prayers is “NIV Eph 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people”. Most of the problem we suffer or pray for can be easily solved if we have a better understanding.

Don’t seek miracles, a miracle is primarily meant for unbelievers. Seek an understanding of God’s intent of his spoken words in scriptures and miracle will never cease in your life.

God cannot Use You

Many young people have a passion for God but refuse to submit to training hence God cannot use them. Capacity is extremely important in God mission for this end time. Without capacity, we cannot correctly deploy the dreams, gifts, and ideas God has put in our heart. Our capacity limits God. God is searching for men and women with the capacity to do his work, can he count on you?

What is Capacity?

Capacity is not the ability to do many things. Capacity is resourcefulness, it is the ability to face a situation and use both the tangible and intangible resources present at your disposal to provide a solution to a pressing needs or situation.

Mother Love’s Breeds Capacity

Mothers naturally display this attribute. She is a mother, a sister, a lover, a daughter, career person, home keeper all at the same time. Kudos to women. With resources at her disposal, she manages, nourishes, nurture and groom her husband, children, and family for life and destiny. Marry a virtues woman and not slay queen. A virtues woman is resourceful. As a man, if you are in a love relationship with such damsel, treat her well and marry her if God permit.

The Magic of a Woman

Give a woman a sperm, after 9 months she gives you are baby, give her a house and she gives you a home, give her money for grocery she gives you a meal. This is God’s expectation for every believer, he wants us to increase. He expects us to take intentional action with the gifts, resources, opportunities, people He has placed in our life.

God Loves the Educated Mind

God needs you to build capacity. One of the easy ways to build capacity is to have a strong thirst for knowledge and accepting responsibility. Have you observed that God find better experience throughout scriptures with educated or learned Individuals? When I say, educated, I don’t mean someone that goes to school. I mean someone whose mind is trained, discipline and open to learning. In summary a person with a learning heart.

Knowledge gives Better Expression

God works better with individuals whose heart long after knowledge and God. These could also be people who have built capacity in specialized fields or discipline of their time. The more you know the better God find expression through you. Don’t get me wrong God uses everybody. But how far God goes with you depends on your intellectual capacity, exposure and most importantly a learning heart that seeking of truth about life and God.

Moses Case Study

For example, Moses was schooled in Egypt, I believe his schooling was an enabler when he painstaking wrote five books of the old testament. David was constantly meditating on God’s word that he said your word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you. His heart longs for knowledge, to know God will and intent.

Peter versus Paul

All the twelve disciple was with Jesus for 3 and half years but it took a man, crazy for knowledge whose mind has been schooled and nourished on the principles of life and God to give deep truth about Jesus ministry that even Apostle Peter finds it difficult to understand.

2 Pet 3:16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.

If you don’t give yourself to learning you are contributing to the problem of the society and the body of Christ. The depth of your mind influences how far God can use you.

Surgeon versus Murder

A knowledge worker is what you must become if you want to build capacity. One of the differences between a surgeon and a murder with a knife is what they know. You will give up your body willingly to a surgeon to cut open while with the same knife you will fight tooth and nail to keep the murderer from cutting you with a knife. It is what the surgeon know that gave him the capacity or technical know-how to operate on you.

You don’t need Jesus to Succeed

I once told a friend that you don’t need Jesus to succeed in life, she looked at me shockingly. Yes, you don’t need Jesus to succeed but you need Jesus to make heaven.

Believer Mental Laziness

Unbeliever succeeds and strives in life without the gift of the holy spirit, prayer of agreement and so on. And they don’t do diabolic things to attain basic things of life. Our mental laziness and disgust or irritation for fact finding have led us to be overly dependent on God to do what we could do for yourself.

The Great Commandment

In Genesis 1:18 the commandment Be fruitful and multiply was given to every human and not to only Christians. So, every human spirit can achieve great success by following basic principles God have set in place. If you can’t exert yourself to produce the basic result, it shows that something is wrong with you or you are intellectually lazy. And please stop blaming village people or witches and wizards. From the time, you became born-again they have no more power over you. We are first humans before we became Christians. Christianity does not take away our humanity, it perfects it.

Just as a mother capacity is triggered to sacrifice and go beyond her threshold because of the love for her little one. We need this kind of love for people, things, career to give our best work daily.

Lost Souls

Love for lost souls should drive your desire to build and increase your capacity. You cannot give what you don’t have. It is only a person that has blood that can donate blood. Because we serve a God of excellent, you must strive to deliver excellence because you respect the God that created that individual. Don’t be passionate about lost souls only during evangelism. In the workplace offer you best services or product because you are passionate about giving them the best their individuality deserves.

What you must do if Jesus Tarries

The improvement on the quality of your thoughts and capacity matters to God. I hope you know that everybody will not be saved today. Some will be born again in the next 10 years or 20 years if Jesus tarries. Before their day of salvation comes, God will have to preserve them. They will need to eat, live, love, get entertained, visit the hospital, etc.

After most people become born again all their attention is about going to heaven. Heaven is our priority as Pastor Adeboye keep reminding us. Before Jesus returns, we must actively participate in the world to push humanity to the next level. So that unbeliever can give glory to our father when they see our good works. Matt 5:16

Are you Relevant outside of the Church Building?

If the church is the only place you can find expression or relevant then there is a problem. The church is a training ground and a place on healing. We are his ambassador in the world showing forth his glory.

Meat of the Matter

The meat of my teaching today this is that before you can build capacity,

  1. We must be committed to what you do,
  2. Have a strong thirst for knowledge and
  3. Be willing to accept responsibility.

Why are you a Christian?

For example, it is laziness and lack of foresight that makes people chose to be Christian because your parents are Christians. This implies that if by chance you are born into a “Babalawo” house you will end up and herbalist. God is not your school’s teacher that is afraid if you ask him questions, he said come let us reasons together.

Questioning what you believe, forces you to understand why you believe what you believe. God is not after what you can think or do, he gave you that little brain in the first place. God is not afraid if you explore and find Jesus for yourself and not what your parent or pastor told you. Be like the Christian of old that searches out all truth.

Finally, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth



Mesonrale Ope Seun

Blockchain Enthusiasts | Software Engineer ( Laravel, JavaScript frameworks, Java ) | Founder @magbodo | | @opemesonrale