Lego Build 51 — Mauler

Francisco Duarte
3 min readMar 20, 2022


The time has come to start Volume Three of the BattleTech Lego builds! Let’s begin with what may very well be my most ambitious ‘Mech to date — the Mauler, using a grand total of 100 parts!

This 90-ton behemoth has been one of my favorites for a long while, having a unique design with an imposing presence. I only became aware of it with MechWarrior 4 and used it for most of that game’s campaign because I like it so much. But this model had already made prior appearances, in MechWarrior 2 and even the BattleTech cartoon, the latter being the inspiration for the color scheme I used here.

In the lore, the Mauler has a somewhat convoluted background, going as far back as the sources you would be willing to accept as canon. In general, it goes like this:

In the early 31st century, the Capellan Confederation attempted to create an assault-class fire-support BattleMech. Because new machines hadn’t been developed in a long while and because technology had decreased steeply during centuries of war, this prototype, dubbed the Linesman, didn’t work as intended. Frustrated, the Capellans gave up and sold the prototypes to the Draconis Combine.

The work on the concept continued on this realm, leading to the Daboku — essentially a slightly improved Linesman. This new machine debuted in the War of 3039 but showed several issues and gained a bad reputation among Combine pilots. However, the FedSuns enemy was quite impressed, going as far as code-naming it the “Mauler.”

During the next decade, the Daboku was further improved, even using the new technologies rediscovered or developed at this time. The third iteration of the concept was thus named the Mauler. The third time is the charm, and this time it became an instant favorite and one of the most recognizable assault ‘Mechs of the time period.

Equipping two large lasers, two long-range missile racks, and four autocannons, the Mauler can lay down an impressive fire barrage and should never be taken lightly.

It is just an incredible machine and has a great design.

Thus, welcome to the third volume! The compilations of the prior ones are still being developed. Sorry it is taking me so long to do it, but unfortunately, I had to dedicate my time to other stuff. Yet, wouldn’t want to leave you without new ‘Mechs.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: