Lego Build 76 — Masakari (Warhawk)

Francisco Duarte
2 min readOct 30, 2022


With the completion of Volume Three of my Lego builds, I decided to allow myself a couple weeks of rest before coming back to this. It’s almost Halloween, so I reckon it to be a good day to come back and show you a machine that sowed terror in the Inner Sphere when it first appeared during the Clan Invasion.

Among the several weapons systems Clan Smoke Jaguar would create in antecipation for the upcoming invasion, the Warhawk was a combination of the best technology their civilization could provide. The paired PPCs offered incredible long-range firepower, tied to a targeting computer that made them deadly accurate.

During the war against the Inner Sphere, it showed its true potential, earning the codename Masakari. However, even such an awesome weapon of war could do little against the underlying issues of the invasion as whole, being plagued by poor logistics and a warrior culture that could not handle the realities of total war.

This became even more evident when the Great Houses took the conflict to the Smoke Jaguars themselves. The massive civil war that the Clans fought shortly afterwards destroyed the factories that produced this machine and whatever units were still operational. The Warhawk seemed consigned to the History books.

However, this awesome machine would come back as part of the armies of the nascent Scorpion Empire, as the faction had somehow acquired the necessary blueprints to produce it. Under this new flag, the Warhawk would return to pre-eminence in the new Dark Age era and beyond.

I am really happy with this model. Needed to make some changes from the real one I made years ago due to limitations in the software I use to make this, but also because I found ways to streamline the build. As it is now, it is narrower and uses less parts than the original, at a total count of 73 parts. Despite the size, I say this one is somewhat easy to build.

It comes in Scorpion Empire colors. But you can make them in whichever colors you want, or have available.

It is good to be back. So, let’s delve in this Volume Four. I have some surprises in store for you, as per usual.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: