Lego Build 75 — Wight

Francisco Duarte
2 min readOct 2, 2022


This is one I think no-one was expecting. Going on with my Blake’s War concept, I now bring you the stealth ‘Mech choice for the Clans (Nova Cats). It represents the rare instance of a post-Star League Spheroid ‘Mech ending up used by the Clans — the Wight.

This machine started as a refurbishment of older Panther units. It represented an improvement over the venerable machines in almost all regards, although speed continued somewhat low for its size. These machines would catch the eye of the Nova Cats when they developed a unit specialized in assassination and stealth operations. Such actions, seen as dishonorable in Clanner culture, were deemed necessary during the Blakist Jihad as the Blakist military structure was quite decentralized, meaning that the search and destruction of local leaders or small units became more important than seeking any general commander.

These Wights were heavily upgraded and issued to disgraced warriors — the only ones willing to perform such missions. Hence the “Dezgra” nickname.

This is why the model presented here uses Nova Cat colors. It is relatively easy to build, although it uses some rare parts (total part count is 31).

Because in Blake’s War the Nova Cats are modelled after the Protoss faction (Starcraft) it took me a while to find a good option for a stealth ‘Mech. The Clans seldom use them if at all. However, the development of this stealth Dezgra unit gave me a perfect option. However, these Wights came into service in the mid-3070s, while this story is set in ther onset of the Jihad in the late 3060s. Well, gonna have them show up a little early, I think. The whole thing is a slight UA, after all.

Hope you enjoyed this model. It also marks the end of the Third Volume of these. I’ll maybe relax for a couple weeks before coming back. I already have the first models of the Fourth Volume in the works, and plans to finally complete the compilation file for Volume One.

Until then, take care!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: