Lego Build 85 — Vulcan

Francisco Duarte
4 min readJan 1, 2023


Happy New Year, everyone!

This post will not be just about a ‘Mech, or a military vehicle from a fictional setting. Instead, I would like to talk to you all a bit about this year and my plans for the newborn 2023.

The Vulcan comes at the heels of this thought, as it may be meaningful going forward.

This ‘Mech in itself is part of the first publications of BattleTech. In the lore it was one of the last machines developed during the infamous Amaris War that brought down the Star League. The mismatched array of light weapons is meant to destroy infantry formations. Going forward in the Succession Wars, it would become a terror in battlefields where machines were increasingly rare and human life cheap.

When the Clans came and technology developed again, the Vulcan would see its twilight, not fading completely but being slowly replaced by better machines for the same role. To me, in the Blake’s War continuity, it would be one of the Ronin ‘Mechs during the section taking place during the Ronin War.

2022 was a strange year. In the world at large we saw war, continuing economic downfall, inflation, but also a soccer world cup and many other things. This blog kept growing, with new challenges and the exploration of new settings and game systems. I intend to continue on with this trend. One of the things that I want to do is not only to continue the Homeworld Build series for Warship Wednesdays, but also to bring another series based on another setting, a bit more contentious among my followers maybe.

On this note, I also want to finally come up with PDF compilations of my builds, something several people have already asked for. A simple compilation seemed boring to me, though, and my ambition to make Alpha Strike mission packs has been hampered by general lack of time on my part. So, I might do something in-between these concepts in order to motivate myself but also to give you something interesting to see — essentially a short write-up of my transformative alternate settings followed by Lego instructions for the machines predominant in them, TRO-style. Let’s see how this goes.

2022 was also the year in which I published my first game system — Insanity Everlasting. I’m so absolutely proud of this one. A simple, Lovecraftian, RPG that anyone can enjoy. I’ve had great feedback from all of my followers. If you want to try it, it is free in, albeit you can leave a small tip. I further intend to publish it at other sites, but that is an ongoing process.

In 2023 I want to expand this system, but also publish new ones. I have several ideas, but they will take time to materialize, so keep an eye here. Furthermore, I have a few other projects in both the realms of gaming and fiction, which I think you will enjoy once completed. For now, these are being kept behind closed doors.

In general, I am quite the creative person, as you possibly gathered by now. I intend to stay so for as long as I’m alive. However, all of these projects take time and resources to complete. If you are inclined to do so, I would be very thankful if you could leave a tip in my Ko-fi account, as it helps me divert time for my creations, but also to pay for art like that amazing one in Insanity Everlasting.

It is not usual for me talk about Ko-fi and donations, but I think this may be a good place as any to do it.

So, all in all, the past year had many ups and downs, and the new year is now here. I hope I can provide you all the amazing entertainment I had in mind, and that you keep an eye on this place.

Have fun, stay safe, and be awesome! Happy 2023!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: