Warship Build 4 — Kirishima Cruiser

Francisco Duarte
2 min readDec 8, 2021


As stated before, working the Warships has been an absolute blast. There are several projects for this series already in development, but those will come in due time. For now, I bring you the largest model yet and one of those that led me to the scale change — the Kirishima.

In lore, this was one of the first Warships developed by the Draconis Combine after centuries of devastating wars that led to a technological decline in the Inner Sphere. After the discovery of some old databases and the debacle of the War of ’39, the Inner Sphere powers entered an era of relative peace and technological renaissance. The Clan Invasion would only accelerate this renewed cycle of technological development.

It was in this context that the Draconis Combine would develop a whole new series of Warships, to the shock of friend and foe alike. The battles against the Clans and the need to retain military parity, at least, with the other Successor States led the Combine high-command to conclude that the next cruiser for the space fleet would have to be fast, but also heavily armed and armored. These baselines led to a compact, yet sturdy design that would be known as the Kirishima. A single hull would also be sent to the Federated Sun as a sign of goodwill, where it would be known as the Covenant.

The original Kirishima model was a massive 16-stud long project. Because I knew that other heavy ships were even larger, I had to contend with the fact that they would be around 30 studs long, meaning that they would be almost impractical to build, both in Stud.io and real life. Regardless of how much I liked that model, it was then that I decided that a rescaling was necessary, leading to this revamped model.

In fact, this smaller model actually looks better than the original. It uses 66 parts plus the base.

As per usual, the model is based both on the original Battletech design and also on the re-imagined looks from Delranes Fighting Ships.

Let me know what you think.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine