Warship Build 6 — Vincent Corvette

Francisco Duarte
3 min readJan 5, 2022


After the break with the Halo-themed specials, we’re back to BattleTech warships. Don’t worry, I’m working on another series of Halo fleets and even warships from other settings, but those will come around later. For now, I have a ubiquitous corvette to show you.

The Vincent-class corresponds to a long-lived series of corvettes first employed by the Terran Hegemony, eventually developing into a mainstay of the Star League, ComStar, and the Clans. Made to patrol faraway systems and troop transport, the vessel has a bulky appearance that belies its true mass and lack of defensive/offensive capabilities.

The model I present you today features Word of Blake colors. Still, haven’t made any model for the Blakists and I think it looks cool.

This small guy takes just 23 parts. Like other models in this series, the base looks are based mostly on the Zhukov AU’s designs instead of the original artwork, given the prior looks way better. Check it here:

This post also marks another change in this series. There have been a few thus far, but I hope they will stabilize soon.

I have been taking cues from One Page Rules’ FTL: Warfleets ship design rules as I think they are fun and make some sense for these Lego builds. And I will keep doing so for special builds, like the Halo ones.

However, one thing that has been nagging at me is that these rules don’t fall really into place with the way naval combat is portrayed in BattleTech, which made me think I should abandon the concept entirely. Luckily, I found Orion’s Gate, a game OPR made before Warfleets, potentially its prototype.

In this system, ships are divided into Scouts, Fighters, Destroyers, and Battleships. There's a list of systems you can equip, with the slots available being 1 for fighters, 3 for destroyers, and 6 for battleships. In my mind, this translates better into BattleTech, as the capital ships are these massive force multipliers around which fleets are built, with smaller vessels and pocket warships working as escorts.

Thus, within this conceptualization, I would use scouts as Small Craft, fighters as Fighters, destroyers are now Escorts, and battleships are Capital Ships. This will aid me in conceiving the models and the fleets themselves, as the small numbers of vessels are more in line with naval combat in BattleTech.

Of course, this is just a way I use to create the models and their roles in my mind. You don’t really need to think too much about it and you are free to use them as you want. Hopefully, this insight into my creative process was fun. The games I’ve spoken about are also interesting and I think you should at least check them out.

For now, this is it. See you soon!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine