Mícheál Halpin
Mícheál Halpin

Mícheál is a senior solutions architect, with almost 20 years experience in IT. He graduated with a B.Eng (Hons) in Computer Engineering, and immediately moved into a role as a Windows systems administrator, having interned on the helpdesk. Over the next 10 years he gained extensive experience in multiple aspects of IT, ranging from deploying the first wireless Cisco VOIP deployment in Ireland, to writing a complete SPC analysis system from scratch. In 2013 he graduated with an MSc. (Hons) in Cloud Computing, the very first graduating class of any such course globally at the time.

Since 2012 he has been part of the SolarWinds solutions engineering team, supporting the EMEA region. Outside of assisting customers one on one as part of sales engagements, he has also been involved in other intiatives such as creating, and presenting at, Partner Summits, and has designed and led training courses around SCPs. He holds, or has held numerous industry certifications such as those from Microsoft, VMware, Cisco, and AWS.

Outside of work he spends nearly all his time with his wife and 3 children, with the occasional divergence for road cycling or mountain biking.

Medium member since April 2022
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Mícheál Halpin

Mícheál Halpin

Senior Solutions Architect @ SolarWinds. Mainly writing about observability, scripting and presales.