No A, B, C, D, E, or F

Michael Smilovitch
2 min readMay 25, 2023


Think pop-punk shows: sunny songs, rolling hills, mosh pits, young punks, muggy pools, glossy lips, tripping goths in shirts with rips. Singing mouths shout in unison, “This town’s not it. No work, I quit.”

You work, though, supplying show stopping mushroom risotto to hungry punks or goths in your kiosk. Glum Luigi runs this mini zoo with only pigs. It’s tiny, this zoo. No moos, just oinks.

It’s night now, lights twinkling, thrown-out junk thriving. Punks join hips, guzzling liquor, woozily singing songs in groups with worn out lungs. Glossy lips kiss. How hot — tomorrow’s sultry gossip. You toil on, night is still young.

You spy Luigi supplying nutrition to his pigs. Slimy ruinous slop, truly ghoulish.

“Luigi!” You shout. Hulking Luigi turns, ominously. You spot his two pupils, wishing to shut. No joy, only sorrow. “I must try solving this punk’s slump” you think.

You toss risotto to six goths ogling your kiosk. “Luigi, go mosh!” you shout. Groups mosh in unison, purging impurity. It works.

“No.” Luigi sulks.

Smiling wryly, you run impromptu into Luigi’s pigsty. You oink, rolling in this trough. Pigs look on in horror. Why not? You put slosh on your noggin. Luigi smirks.

“Glorious!” you think. You win, though now you stink. With no hungry goths or punks in sight, you shut your kiosk. Pool still unshut, you go swimming. Soloists sing, spotlit with gusto, “Jump, swing, usurp your king.” Show is history, moshing stops, pigs snoring, lights out.

Luigi grins, “Until tomorrow, risotto guy.”


This was a fun, challenging 250 words. Passing it back to Jeremy. G is a very underrated letter, good luck without it!


To follow our correspondence:
No A (Jeremy)

No A or B (Michael)

No A, B, or C (Jeremy)

No A, B, C, or D (Michael)

No A, B, C, D, or E (Jeremy)

Jessica Hast via Unsplash

