Spark Your Creativity: 5 Easy Tips To Gain Inspiration

Michaela Hermer
4 min readMar 7, 2018


Is there anything more discouraging than being in a creative slump? From school projects, to work deliverables and everything in between I know first hand what it’s like to feel like no matter how long I stare at the computer screen, notebook, or whatever creative outlet it may be, the spark is just not there. If you can relate, the truth is not in the fact that you just don’t have it in you (because we all do), but that you may be missing out by not taking a step back and letting the inspiration strike you. Instead of worrying about when an exciting idea is going to pop up in your head, speed up your creative process by following these 5 easy tips to gain inspiration.

Tip 1: Grab a great book

When I’m not reading a textbook for school, I love to cozy-up and open a great book. As a young marketing professional I can admit that my scope of book reading definitely favors topics related to business, marketing and media. So, if you are looking to expand your knowledge in these incredibly interesting topics, fuel your inner creativity, or just want to hear some inspirational career advice, here are a few of my own book suggestions:


Tip 2: Listen to a podcast

Similar to reading a book, what better way to get inspired than by listening to others share their stories, thoughts and advice? Podcasts are a powerful tool for learning new things and, not to mention, they are FREE!! With new podcasts being released everyday, there seems to be an episode for everything so finding one you love should be easy. My personal favorites have been Adweek’s Podcast and Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso . Check them out and let me know what you think!

Tip 3: Take a trip to the art museum

As you may already know from my first blog post, I have always enjoyed visual art, whether it be admiring others artwork or creating my own. A great way to fully immerse yourself in the creative work of others, hopefully igniting your own creative spark, is to take a trip to your local art museum. Being surrounded by the brilliant work of amazing artists like Andy Warhol, Claude Monet and many others will surely provide the inspiration you need to break out of your creative slump.

Photographs taken when I visited The Art Institute of Chicago, the Detroit Institute of Arts Museum, and the National Gallery of Canada.

Tip 4: Get outdoors

With spring just around the corner, I know I can’t wait to spend more time outside doing the activities I love: yoga, hiking and exploring. Getting outdoors and experiencing nature offers several mental and physical health benefits including improved memory, stress relief and improved concentration as explained here. In addition to these benefits, Business Insider suggests the possibility of a positive relationship existing between creative thinking and the outdoors. It’s truly a win-win!

Tip 5: Kick it at a coffee shop

This is a tip that definitely hits home for me. Saving the best for last right? It’s no secret that I am a huge coffee drinker, and I can admit that sometimes I truly believe a cup of coffee can solve any problem. In fact, as I write this blog for you, I am currently camped out at the Starbucks around the corner! But seriously, outside of just drinking coffee (or tea!), hanging out in a coffee shop always provides me with inspiration as I observe passerby’s, listen to great music, and engage in conversation with the people around me. Try it sometime!

In closing, creativity is not one shoe fits all. You may have noticed that some of the resources I use to fuel my creativity relate to my passion of marketing and advertising. Everyone is different (including you!) and that’s what makes the world such an interesting and beautiful place. You never truly know when inspiration will hit you, but you can only hope that by using at least 1 of these 5 tips, that creative spark will be ignited in you.

All the best and thank you so much for reading.

Now I’m curious, what sparks your creativity? Comment below!


