Michael Mamas
4 min readJun 17, 2016

Intellect and Psyche: King and Queen of the Universe


Life has two aspects, just like the left and right sides of the brain. On the left side of the brain there is logic, or pure intellect, and on the right side of the brain, there is psychology, feelings, and emotions. Human evolution is about the integration of those two aspects of life.

All too often, people will embrace one and turn a cold shoulder to the other. Sometimes they will embrace one and forget about the other, or vice versa. But the two are not really integrated most of the time. We can say it is like the King and Queen of the Universe, the intellect and the psyche- two ruling figures that lead in different ways, but work together.

So how can we integrate these two fundamental aspects? It starts by looking at the fundamental nature of life, and how it is, on that fundamental level, those two things are actually one. It is infinitely seamless and infinitely harmonious. There is a unified field out of which all things are born. It is the source of infinite intelligence and creativity. It is the source of every thing in duality, including the King and Queen.

Everything has a personified aspect. When you look at a beautiful meadow on a misty summer morning, you could say it is all physics. There is a pure logic to it, the way temperature and atmospheric pressure and so on are interacting to create that beautiful summer morning. But logic is inadequate here.

They asked Einstein if you could describe a sunrise in terms of pure physics. He responded by saying you could, but if you do, it loses its meaning. There is a feeling correlate, a personified correlate to the meadow and the sunrise in the morning. If you are just innocent, if you are just open to your feelings and you don’t shut them down with your intellect, then you can feel the personified correlate to that. Some people might call that the Deva of the meadow, for example. This could be why many find it so touching to experience the misty meadow or vibrant sunrise.

Now, you can get carried away and lose your rationality, float around trying to talk to the Deva of the valley. You can get ridiculous with it. However, the point is that both the King and the Queen are there, and both are real. You can analyze the valley with your intellect and tap into the science of it with your logical and rational mind. You can allow the experience of it to touch you deeply, and enjoy the feelings and how it affects your psyche. Life cannot exist without both sides of this same coin: the King and Queen of the Universe. The King (left brain) paints the strokes of the sunrise, but the Queen (right brain) allows us to appreciate it in its multifaceted glory.

Understanding this changes your life and gives you a deeper appreciation for the nature of life. We do it all the time with other people. When you look at another person, you don’t say they are a bunch of protons, electrons, and neutrons. The personified correlate is what you think of when you think of a person. That personification is what gives meaning to the distinct physiology.

It is similar with respect to the unified field, a highly sophisticated interacting dynamic that is the underlying basis of all the intelligence, harmony, and creativity that is inherent in all of creation, including human beings. So, what birthed human beings also has a personified correlate. You can interface with it and often people call it God.

If we maintain a sophisticated relationship with personified correlates, then it has a value. It is when we don’t have integration between the King and Queen of the Universe, between the rationality and the personified aspects of life, that it gets all confused. Remember that it is natural and healthy for the King and Queen to be integrated; it’s just that we often turn a cold shoulder to one or the other. Instead, open and explore both aspects of life, knowing that the integration of the two leads to personal evolution and a better quality of life.

Dr. Michael Mamas is the founder of The Center of Rational Spirituality, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the betterment of humanity through the integration of ancient spiritual wisdom with modern rational thought. From personal issues to global trends, Dr. Michael Mamas helps individuals and organizations develop a deeper understanding and more comprehensive outlook by providing a ‘bridge’ between the abstract and concrete, the Eastern and Western, and the ancient and modern. Dr. Michael Mamas has been teaching for 35 years (including the U.S., India, Europe, and Canada) and writes on a variety of subjects on his blogs, MichaelMamas.net and DrMichaelMamas.com.

Michael Mamas

Author and teacher Michael Mamas is a thought leader in the areas of spirituality & personal development. www.MichaelMamas.net, www.RationalSpirituality.org