Was Jesus Really The Archangel Michael?

Jehovah’s Witnesses & Adventist Christology.

✒️Michael Puleo
5 min readMay 29, 2023
Image by author.

When I speak to people about the Trinity and the nature of God's being they are often very surprised to learn the widely differing views on the pre-existence of Christ. Many believe that Christ was created at his birth. However, the majority view is that Jesus pre-existed his time on earth, either as God’s first act, as the tool of his creation, as the Father’s equal, or, according to some, as the Archangel Michael.

This controversial view is shared by both Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists due to their shared theological origins, or perhaps, due to their shared disappointments.

“The Great Disappointment”

A pamphlet explaining Millerite views of the end of the world. University of Virginia

The Adventist movement in Christianity started in the 1830s with preacher Williams Miller’s appropriately named “Millerism.” Adventists share the passionate belief in…



✒️Michael Puleo

Science, Religion, & Philosophy with an Open Mind and a Sense of Humor. ➡️ Tip me: https://ko-fi.com/michaelpuleo2