The 10 Best chronic migraine pain memes

Maria Garcia Yoga
3 min readSep 24, 2018


Some of us have been there. Laying down on our bed for hours feeling excruciating pain that will not go away. The pain is stubborn so it will not go away without giving a fight. You have tried everything to attempt feeling a little better but nothing has worked so far. Painkillers: check. Essential oils: check. Ice: check. Meditation: check. Sleep: who is able to sleep while feeling like a ice pin is penetrating the eyes? Seriously? That is a cruel joke.

When something like this happens, what is left for us to do? Cry? Been there done that. After crying I feel drained and exhausted. Read or stream a movie? My eyes or brain cannot properly function at this point. Laying down and waiting is usually my best option.

Keeping always a positive mindset where the glass is half full, I have decided to laugh so I do not cry. Here are my all time favorite memes about chronic migraine that hopefully at least will help you tweak your lips up.

  1. When you have to explain your condition to someone who does not understand the difference between a migraine and a headache.

2. It is not just the sun. It is the noise, your perfume, your presence. No offense though, it is not personal.

3. Aren’t daygraines enough? Obviously, they are not.

4. When people kindly offer a miracle remedy: crystals, spices, palo santo, praying…

5. Please migraine, I am in a lot of pain and I could use some food to start recovering and keep on living.

6. Migraine sufferers would do the unthinkable to help themselves feel better even if it sounds crazy.

7. Another good explanation for people who want to know what a migraine feels like.

8. Actually I am not but I will be. I am 100% positive but I need patience.

9. This number may not be enough.

10. Unfortunately medication does not always work but I choose to keep my hope alive.

Have a migraine free day!

María V García

IG, FB & Medium @migraineyogi



Maria Garcia Yoga

Yoga teacher and wellness advocate. Chronic migraine sufferer. Loud about chronic pain and mental health awareness. On the path of finding contentment.