15 Beginner JavaScript Projects to Improve Your Front-End Skills!

Miguel Z. Nunez
9 min readJul 20, 2021

The fastest way for you to become a good web developer is to practice. An excellent way to practice is by building as many beginner projects as you can. That’s because each project presents a unique problem and solution, so the more projects you solve, the more knowledge you will gain. Think of each project you complete as a medal you earned. The more medals you have, the more prepared you will be to tackle your next and evermore difficult project.

To get you started, I put together a list of 15 beginner JavaScript projects. In fact, these are the same 15 out of 25 projects that I built when I was first learning JavaScript (see all 25 here).

If you get stuck trying to solve one of these, don’t worry, I included a video tutorial next to each project showing you how to solve it step by step. Before watching the solutions, however, I encourage you to attempt them on your own first. This is key to becoming a good developer. In programming there isn’t any shortcuts so if you don’t put in the work, you won’t see improvement, no matter how many tutorials you watch. If your feeling overwhelmed, take a break and relax, it happens to the best of us. Remember, it takes even your favorite YouTube developer a lot of time and practice to begin to master this stuff.

