Reverse Bets Anyone?!

12 weeks. 5 tasks. Let’s do this.

Mike Szczesniak
3 min readFeb 13, 2017

Very often, we know what we need to do. So why don’t we do it?

I’m not actually going to go in on the answer to that (maybe in a future post), but let’s talk about one way to hack that and crush our goals.

At the beginning of the new year, my buddy Max and I were discussing some of our goals for this year. Some of them were pretty insane, and we wanted to find a way to hold each other accountable and absolutely demolish those goals. We decided to set out and do a reverse bet together.

What is a reverse bet?

A reverse bet is basically a way to scare the crap out of ourselves so that we do what we know we need to do.

There are 3 main parts of a reverse bet:

  1. A timeframe or duration of the bet — basically your deadline
  2. A list of tasks that you need to accomplish (usually things you have been putting off or don’t want to do, but know that you need to)
  3. A seriously negative outcome

Essentially a reverse bet is taking a very negative outcome and setting it as the consequence for not following through on a specific action, task, etc.

Here are the details of my bet.

My Timeframe

12 weeks

My action items

1x / week Blog post
3x / week Facebook Live Streams
3x / day Instagram posts on LGE account
3x / week Instagram posts on personal account
1x / day Polish Lesson on Pimsleur

When we started, I only had 3 tasks. I actually didn’t have the personal Instagram posts or polish lesson as part of the bet. I found I wasn’t pushing my limits enough, so I added those in after the first week.

My consequence

Send a large sum of money to the Dallas Cowboys.

I’m a born and raised diehard NY Giants fan, so that should explain why this would absolutely SUCK for me... The check is already written and mailed to Max, so I can’t turn back now!

The best part about this bet in my opinion is that I have a TON going on during this time period. I’ll be traveling / spending time in 5 different states, including 2 trips by plane and one by bus, AND I’ll be getting hernia surgery. In some weird way, this gets me extremely fired up because I know I’m really going to be put to the test.

Btw — if you want to check out the details of Max’s bet, you can do so here.

I’m Curious

Have you ever done a reverse bet? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear what has worked well for you guys.

And if you’ve never done one before, I HIGHLY suggest you give it a try. This bet has forced me so far out of my comfort zone and I’m loving it.

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