High Ticket Sales: Conversations that High-End Coaching Clients Expect


high-ticket sales
MiMi Dabo | Natural High-Ticket Sales Midwife

High Ticket Sales. What your high-end coaching clients expect in natural high ticket sales conversations, and why this matters for a simple + profitable 7 or 8-figure high-ticket coaching business.

In Part ONE of this natural high ticket sales advantage series, we’re diving into 3 key insights that I’ve used over the last 7 years to support women coaches, women accountants and women attorneys to naturally sell high value, $100K+ high-ticket coaching offers to their best high-end coaching clients.

These high ticket sales insights work in any coaching niche and in any service-based industry, to support women to naturally create a simple and clear path to closing high ticket sales without secrets, hacks or “best” high ticket sales scripts.

If you enjoying selling high-ticket coaching offers in the $100K, $250K or the million dollar high value, high-touch range, then keep reading or watching to naturally create transformational insight and potent value for your own high-end coaching clients.

Before we jump into these high ticket sales insights, let’s start with the 2 that will change with way you do high ticket sales and the entire framework leading up to high ticket sales conversations.

Know the 2 As.

Active listening and Asking better questions. I dive deeper into the 2 As in this video (video #1) and even deeper in video #2).

You can choose to watch this video discussing in detail what your best fit high-end coaching clients expect in natural high ticket sales conversations or simply read the highlights below.

Let’s jump into these high ticket sales insights.

First, I invite to consider that your best high-end coaching client is not just someone who wants the results or outcomes you co-create with your high value, high-ticket coaching offer.

She’s a real human being with a real desire or real challenge or real problem and wants to be understood. She needs you to understand the WHOLE woman to avoid simply fixing “a pain.” She wants a coach, not a pain fixer.

This means, building a real relationship-based coaching business that supports you as the coach to hold a safe space of leadership, love, curiosity, compassion, trust, intimacy, deep connection and confidence.

Part of natural high ticket sales includes actively creating a clear and emotionally safe path to YES or NO in the high-ticket sales conversation.

Your high-end coaching clients expect more than just having an offer to sell or knowing their pain points.

Understand your high-end coaching client. Understand what outcome or result she wants, why she wants that particular outcome or result.

And this next ONE is very important because it tells a bigger part of the high-end coaching client’s story.

Understand what she’s made not currently having that outcome or result in her life, relationship or career or business mean or not mean about her.

For example, here are a few of the high-end coaching client experiences (what they’ve made it mean about them) I’ve had to truly understand to be able to support them over the last 6.5 years.

What she’s made not making 7 figures a year in her coaching business mean about her as a businesswoman.

What she’s made not making 6-figures after 5 years in her accounting business mean about her as a CPA, as an accountant and as a smart businesswoman.

What she’s made working with clients she can’t stand and who cannot afford her offers, mean about her as a life coach, a loving person, an empath and a businesswoman.

What she’s made not being able to save her marriage means about her as a wife, a doula, a mother and an African woman.

What she’s made not being able to communicate and be intimate with her husband means about her as a woman and a good, loving wife.

What she’s made not being able to communicate with her grown daughter means about her as a good mother and wife.

What she’s made not being able to keep the pesky, unwanted 50lbs off without starving herself or hating her body means about her as a woman, a doctor, a wife and a medical professional, and the effect this is having on her 3 teenage daughters.

What she’s made being single and without a child at 45 means about her as a woman when the only thing that matters to her is enjoying a healthy pregnancy, having a healthy baby and raising a loving and kind human.

What she’s made not been able to quit smoking even after 3 miscarriages mean about her as a mother, a wife, a woman and a good human being.

Once you get what she’s made not currently having that result or outcome mean about her, it’s time to understand what she’s made having it after working with you, mean for her life, her relationship, her business or whatever niche you’re working in.

How will having the desire or overcoming the challenge make her feel, and what will it do for her life.

And how does she enjoy buying? What does she want the buying experience to feel like? Once you understand this, you can naturally sell to her the way she loves to naturally buy.

Understand what your high-end coaching clients want and need, and not what you need them to want. What is her biggest issue? What can you solve for her?

Who is she? what does she want? Why does she want it.

Understand why she’s willing to afford a $250K or $100K offer and how the value she sees in the offer, even if you don’t. This supports women coaches who don’t see the value of their work or don’t recognize the value of their coaching offers to stop trying so hard to convey value or prove their worth.

Actively be present everywhere and actively listen everywhere during every stage- the offers, the packaging, the pricing, the messaging and positioning, and the marketing and sales.

Asking better questions and actively listening in the high-ticket sales conversation will support you to understand what matters most to her, and will create a beautiful relationship with deeper connection, intimacy and the highest level of trust.

And if you’re a b2b coach, understand not only your high-end coaching client, but her and her own high-end clients.

What will support you as the high value coach to actively listen, actively ask better questions and actively shut up?!

I’ll share two of my favorite quotes from one of the greatest Disney movies of all time, The Lion King to support you to create a safe path to YES or NO for your potential high-end coaching clients.

While others search for what they can take, a true [high value coach] searches for what [she] can give. Mufasa.

Remember who you are. Mufasa.

In the video, I dive deeper into how these two quotes from the Lion King support all of us women coaches from the moment we decide to serve high-end coaching clients to the moment we step into the natural high tickets sales conversation and beyond.

When we remember who we are, children of the most of God who partner with Him to serve in the world, and be luxuriously paid for it, we create offers, messages, and natural high-ticket sales experiences that are simply a natural extension of who we are -without secrets, hacks or sales scripts.

Up next, Natural high-ticket sales conversations video #2. What makes high-end coaching clients buy during high-ticket sales conversations?

Read article or watch the video on Medium, here.

You can make natural high ticket sales and working with your best high end coaching clients complicated, or you can keep things simple.

I trust you to know what’s best for you and your coaching business.

I trust you to take the limits off your impact, sales, income and profits and give yourself the gift of being extraordinarily paid for the amazing work you do.

Cheers to being simply love!
MiMi dabo | God-Made Women Millionaires |Asking Out Loud



MiMi Dabo, MBA, CPA, JD | The Prosperous Womb

High-End Coaching Clients Business Coach & High-Ticket Profit Explosion Midwife for Women Coaches partnering with God to Multiply Profits, Impact and Results.