5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Mindful Wellness with Fiona
4 min readJan 21, 2024


Mental health has become an issue of importance in today’s advanced world. Over the years, the topic itself has been seen as a sign of weakness. This has not been the case recently. There has been a lot of support and helpful materials on how to keep mentally sound.

It is better to note that being mentally strong is more than being free from anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. Mental health is how you feel, behave, and think in your daily life. Here are five ways in which you can improve your mental health today.

Get good sleep
Sleep is very important for your physical health. It plays an important role in developing your mental health. Starting with healthy habits, such as the recommended 7 hours of good sleep, will help with your mental clarity. To be able to get good sleep, these habits will help foster a great routine. First, avoid caffeine for a few hours before going to bed. Secondly, make your bedroom relaxing and quiet. Lastly, try your best to wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. If you don’t notice improvement in your sleeping patterns, perhaps a therapist may be a helpful remedy.

Move your body
Movement of any kind is known to be good for your mental health and clarity. Squeezing in a few workouts into your schedule can help you focus and take a day at a time. You can choose enjoyable physical exercises that best work for your body. Just have fun with it. What works out for another might not work for you, and vice versa. The most important thing is to get started and do the exercises that resonate with you.

Eat healthy and nutritious foods
A healthy diet is food for the soul and also for your mind. It’s important to note that certain foods can affect your mental health. To support and improve your mind’s health, you can expand your diet with foods that promote mood-boosting properties. These foods include; berries, fatty fish, whole grains, bananas, and more. Incorporating them simply fuels your body and helps you feel strong and mentally sound. Also, remember to hydrate.

Take it easy
When days are tough, you might find it difficult to perform your basic routine. This might make you feel even worse. At such times, it is encouraged to use more accessible strategies and, most importantly, to be kinder to yourself. Taking it easy looks like setting a timer to do certain tasks, ordering dinner when cooking anything is close to impossible, and creating a hygiene routine when it’s impossible to take showers. You can commit to taking small steps every single day until you feel well again.

Talk to someone
Strong relationships have a positive influence on your mental health. In times when you feel low, catching up with a friend over coffee or a movie can help take the edge off. Catching up and joking around in person creates a stronger bond above and beyond mere connections on social media. Make a point to catch up with your closest friends by meeting up regularly or even picking up your phone to call and chat.

The bottom line is that your mental health plays an important role in the life you live. Many things can be beyond your control, but if you take steps to create a stable routine, this can promote your wellness. If things continue to get worse, it could be time to reach out to a therapist and get professional support. Take charge of your mental wellness, and everything will flow.



Mindful Wellness with Fiona

Wellness is a very important and personal topic for me. I believe that being mindful of how you feel makes a whole difference in how you navigate life.