3 steps to set up ASIC node

4 min readAug 29, 2018


minerstat offers software for all kinds of mining farms. Up to this moment, we have already shown you how to set up the software for mining on GPUs, and this time, it is ASICs’ turn.

Please note that ASIC node development is discontinued. Check out our more stable and easier to use ASIC hub.

✏️ What do you need?

To set up the ASIC node you will need to prepare three things:

  • ASIC.
  • A device on which you will establish the node - it can be your Linux, Windows, Mac, or Raspberry Pi.
  • A registered account on minerstat.

🕑 Setting up an ASIC node will take up to 5 minutes (including the download time).

1️⃣ Step 1: Download ASIC node

We offer four types of download: Linux, Windows, Mac, and Raspberry Pi.

You decide which device you want as your node between ASIC and minerstat. Keep in mind that this device will need to be turned on and login for data to be received and processed on the minerstat dashboard. The device that will act as a node must also be in the same local network as the ASIC.

2️⃣ Step 2: Add a new worker

While you wait for the download to finish, you can add a new worker to your minerstat dashboard.

  • Navigate to workers page.
  • Click Add new worker.
  • Type worker’s name.
  • Select the type of your worker - in this case, it is ASIC.
  • Select the system of your worker - in this case, it can be Antminer, Baikal, or Dragonmint.
  • Type in your local IP.
  • Change username and password only if you have changed the default settings on your ASIC. For Antminer the default username/password is root/admin, for Baikal admin/root, and for Dragonmint admin/dragonadmin.
  • Optionally add additional groups.
  • Click Add worker.

Your worker will appear as offline, waiting for the connection to be established.

3️⃣ Step 3: Login to ASIC node

After you have downloaded ASIC node, extract it to the folder on your device and run minerstat.exe.

The first screen will ask you to type in your Access key and Group/Location. Both entries are case sensitive so they must be entered as defined. If you didn’t define any special group for your ASIC, you can always just use asic as this is default group for any ASIC you have added to the dashboard. By defining different groups, you are able to set up multiple nodes and monitor each group of ASICs on its own.

Click Save & Login and the system will log you to your ASIC node.

When you are successfully login, the software should detect the ASIC devices in your local network and mining should automatically start.

All additional configurations can be set remotely through the minerstat dashboard.

🔧 Troubleshooting

Be sure that you have used the correct access key (it is case sensitive) and the correct group that is actually defined in the dashboard (you can check the workers’ list to see if the group name is available under worker’s name). Other ASIC-related things that are worth checking out are if you have defined correct local IP when you created new worker and that you have used correct username/password (make sure you didn’t mix admin and root or typed root/root, etc.)

You can check these values by clicking the edit icon (pencil) on your workers' list.

For mining to work, you will need to define the pool and wallet on which you want to mine in your address editor. Config for ASIC worker will be automatically filled once it is detected in the system.

If you face any other problems, join our Discord and our team and community will gladly help you out.

Happy mining!




minerstat® is the top platform for ASIC and GPU crypto mining monitoring and management. Enjoy hassle-free mining with our cutting-edge software.