Brief look:



OnePageX is a convenience, time-saving tools to convert cryptocurrencies. Required no registration and low fees are the key competitive advantages to let OnePageXoutstanding from others platforms.

OnePageX helps to convert cryptos in just 3 steps: CHOOSE, FILL, START

OneBox, widget of OnePageX, can easily integrate to your website with cryptos exchanges function. Hence, You will never lose your visitors because the needs of exchanges.

OnePageX — No Registration and No Verification, just URL

One of the things when we’re working on cryptocurrencies is, how can we exchanges? Nowadays, there are so many many exchanges for us do to the transaction, Binance and Bitfinex are famous among others. (check coingecko)

With the volumes getting huge, verification is required by the authorities, and that just makes the decentralision (blockchian) be centralised. With so many troubles to register and proofs, I can’t understand the necessary of but just have to follow.

Famous exchanges most likely require registration, documents submission, processes…and that’s mean TIME!! Whatever it is, OnePageX is a great product now to help. As their vision highlights:

OnePageX believe that greatness does not have to come at the cost of complexity. We wanted to bring a unique service that allows people to convert currencies without wasting their time with registration and multi-step processes. That is why our entire exchange process all happens in one page in just a matter of a few clicks.

OnePageX — low fees

Easy thing always comes with high cost but with OnePageX, the cost is only 0.5% and the sweetest thing is All-in-One. Fee is included in the estimate.

OnePageX — 140+ cryptos and MORE soon

From now, even though OnePageXis just launched, already have more than 140 cryptocurrencies available to exchange from BTC,

as presented from the vision:

The OnePageX vision is to enable trading most cryptocurrencies with a simple interface, and STEEM is included in the close futures.

What’s the concept of 140+? check out the pairs in @coingecko:

Binance -398 pairs,
Bifinex -306,
HitBTC -940 pairs (the most)

Let’s see if OnePageX can make it to 1000+ in the futures for a benchmark, make it to be “OneThousandPageX”

I wish there will be more clear road map ahead, definitely in one page.

OnePageX — Grid mode transactions in OnePage

People can see from the screenshots, all the transactions are within OnePage. Although it’s fairly simple, you still have to make sure entering the correct datails 1) Amount, 2) Address, 3) any other things like memo, tag etc.

Specially-made Grid Mode can gather all transactions clearly .

Only one thing users need to concern is whether the loading circle is displaying or not. That’s just simply describing the status of the transaction whether it’s waiting the blockchain to confirm or confirmed, very simple and I think most of us will like it.

Thanks to the team. It’s hard to imagine how hard the works they had put in behind OnePageX.

OnePageX + OneBox — Cryptos eXange within your page

OneBox is a widget that designated to let the visitors exchange cryptos within your personal website. Above screen is what I have done for my Steemit page from Wordpress. It looks and works exactly the same as you can see in OnePageX. How awesome it is!!! I don’t think I can find any where else to have such a great plugin right now!!

In my experiences as a blogger, keep your visitors stay at the page is the top priority. Everyone who just slip out will have very low possibilities to go back or forget to go back to the website. So that’s sweetest development really help both, myself and OnePageX, to keep the float.

Final words

Whatever you’re a new or old to cryptocurrencies, OnePageX is definitely something you MUST HAVE to do conversion. Simply a few clicks and low fees, OnePageX brings you to another level of efficiency for exchanges. With the little widget OneBox easily integrates into your website, OnePageX is considerably one of the best tool to exchange the cryptocurrencies.

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