
Monica Min
1 min readOct 23, 2021


Everybody has something in their lives that is one of the strongest pieces of how they define themselves. It can be family, friends, or food. Mine is music. From day one, music has played a crucial role in my life. It has: made me perceive myself in different lights, reignited my relationship with my culture, established many of my friendships, and become a place of refuge. Even though the music I listen to — from genres to artists — has changed over time, my growth through it has helped mold my self-identity and how I view the world around me.

I created this archive because I wanted to fully analyze how music has impacted me as a person. While I have always known the importance of music to me, this writing project allows me to unpack different niches in music that has contributed to my self identity. Whether it is cultural, mental, or platonic, music has helped me grow as an individual and is still continuing to shape my perspectives and world. Each archive post includes a playlist that helps me audibly and creatively express my thoughts on each niche of music I aim to unpack and analyze. This archive is where I become vulnerable in my personal, lifelong relationship with music, and I hope it can help any reader understand or resonate with at least one thing I write about.

