3 Particular Times of Prayer: God Loves the Most

Mira Sajjan
2 min readMay 3, 2023


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I always thought that God loves our prayers the most when we are in distress. But now, my perceptions have changed about spirituality and prayers.

God is the Supreme employer, and he is taking our interviews. He has given us some 60- 70 years, on average, to satisfy him and qualify as his obedient servant.

God indeed hears and loves every single prayer we make. But there are 3 times God loves to hear from us in particular. Let’s discuss:

1. Prayers we make in our happy times.

People say that God tests us with distress, but he tests us by giving us happiness. In distress, you pray out of fear, but in happy times, you pray out of love.

Unfortunately, we forget God when everything goes fine. But that is the test we ignore.

2. Prayers we make when we lose something desired and important.

It is difficult to keep calm when we lose someone or something we love. We often feel frustrated and angry. We forget to be grateful to God. Everything in this world belongs to him.

Even our bodies and souls belong to him. Here we own nothing. He gives us his things to use and take care of. He takes those back whenever he wants.

I know it’s hard, but we have to pray in such situations and seek his mercy.

3. Prayers we make when we are very busy making our living.

When you are very busy with your life, keep tasks apart for some time and pray. He loves to see that nothing is more important to us than him.

Whatever the situation comes to our lives, we must continue praying. Every day, in sorrow or happiness, keep time for God, especially, who cares for us without judging.

One interesting thing is, your words of prayer will change day by day. It improves magically. God makes us tell words he loves to hear. So, pray with love.

If you have different perceptions, please share. I would love to learn. Thanks for reading me.

Here is a prayer of mine.




Mira Sajjan

A Creative Writer. Passionate to write ~ Life Experiences, Self-Improvement, Parenting, Spirituality, Lifestyle and Travelling | Contact: mirasajjan@gmail.com