What Is “Parental Ambition”

And how can it help me become a better parent?

Mitch Peterson
6 min readNov 2, 2021
Photo by Benjamin Manley on Unsplash

“An entrepreneur is anyone who departs from the conventional formula, path, and rules for being successful. They are individuals who have the self-generated commitment, courage, capability, and confidence to make it on their own.”
-Dan Sullivan

The quote above is entrepreneur coach Dan Sullivan’s definition of what he calls “entrepreneurial ambition.”

Google defines ‘ambition’ as: “a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.”

Typically we might think of ‘ambition’ in the context of a career (i.e., “his ambition was to become CEO” or “her ambition was to become President of the United States”) or some other passion (i.e., “his ambition is to win the NBA championship” or “her ambition is to win an Olympic gold medal”).

However, my focus on entrepreneurship is from the angle of parenting, because parents are entrepreneurs, and families are their business.

Hence, when I study Dan Sullivan’s writings on entrepreneurship, I substitute the word “parent” anywhere I see the word…



Mitch Peterson

Husband. Father of 3 incredible children. I help people take their reading comprehension to the next level. https://medium.com/@mitchell.r.peterson/membership