Michael McDonald
6 min readNov 22, 2023


Journey down memory lane with Nintendo’s most-popular Princess, Peach

Source: Nintendo®

Princess Peach, everyone’s favorite Mushroom Kingdom royal, has become one of the most well-known characters throughout the Mario franchise. Whether it be for her iconic castle, her Stockholm Syndrome-like tendencies, or for Mario’s longing for her, she’s become the pretty in pink princess we’ve all grown to love rescuing.

So, what’s the story with her? Who is she? When did Mario first lay eyes on her? Let’s explore how our favorite damsel in distress evolved over the years by diving into the backstory everyone’s favorite pink-gowned blonde — HRH of Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach.


In Nintendo’s earlier years, Princess Peach was originally known as Princess Toadstool (at least in North America that is), gaining the reputation of “that girl” for by being the apple of apparently everyone’s eye (Bowser & Mario). Gaining her reputation of being the Damsel constantly being in distress, she was the motivation for Mario to travel through peril to save her from her captor.

Source: Universal Pictures® | Nintendo®

As we move toward the current day, Peach has grown into a figure of girl power by proving that she’s self-sufficient enough to stand up for oneself. This change has has becoming increasingly noticeable with the release of the Super Mario Bros Movie, where she stands on her own two feet while protecting her castle, kingdom, and Toad friends and citizens with intent of doing whatever it takes to ensure peace, even if it means kicking some butt, and for that we love a character growth that encourages girl-power!

Peach today is tremendously different from what she was when she debuted in 1985, but one thing is for sure — she’s always been a princess worth fighting for.

Early Appearances (1985–1990)

Princess Peach graced the Nintendo franchise with her presence in the Super Mario Bros.™ game. At the time, she was referred to as the “Toadstool Princess”. Per usual, Peach began her reputation as being the prized possession of Bowser and thus secured her spot as being amongst one of the best Damsel in Distress of All Time.

The rest is history, we all know how the typical Mario game pans out: Bowser rampages into Mushroom Kingdom, Peach somehow lacks to have an adequate security to ensure safety, she’s kidnapped by the menacing turtle, and it becomes Mario’s mission to save the princess.

Source: Nintendo®

In Super Mario Bros. 2™ fans were welcomed with a surprise as Peach was playable for the first time. Within this out of character (and dare I say) kooky game, each playable character acquired a unique ability with hers being able to float longer in the air (which must be attributed to her luxurious gown).

When Super Mario Bros. 3™ was released in 1988, the Mushroom Kingdom was explored further, and with it an emergence of other characters that we’ve grown familiar with today, giving a broader and larger understanding of what Peach overseas as a Princess (as well as who her residents truly are).

Growing Into Her Image (1996–2005)

As the franchised transitioned to 3-D gaming, Peach’s character began to develop further. She was emerging as a more realistic character. In Super Mario 64 we’re introduced more in depth of her castle as it has becoming the central setting for the game. Her involvement within the game became pivotal, and her benevolent persona is amplified, exampled at the end of the game where she notoriously offers to bake a cake for her rescue.

Source: Nintendo®

Her interactions within games seemed to begin to ramp up as other franchised games released. When Paper Mario™ was released, Princess Peach became helpful in the game as players had segments throughout the game where they were able to play as the Princess, exploring her humble abode and are ultimately given insight as to her resourcefulness and intelligence. Peach’s ongoing presence and benevolence becomes noticeable leading to her notoriously sweet and kind persona to shine through.

Source: Nintendo®

In 2005, Super Princess Peach was released with a flip of the switch as Peach embraces main character energy by taking on the leading protagonist role. Through this game she uses her abilities to rescue both Mario and Luigi, which is a change for once from her seemingly destined role as damsel in distress.

Super Princess Peach received some criticism from players and critics alike for the games lack of challenging gameplay as well as its controversial implementations of the emotions meter feature. With Nintendo’s use of emotion as a superpower within this game, it caused an uproar for its “incredibly sexist undercurrents”, ultimately placing Nintendo in some hot water.

As further games were released, Peaches character remained reminiscent of years prior as she returned to her reoccurring role as leading damsel throughout games like Super Mario Sunshine™ and Super Mario Galaxy™ 1 & 2 games.

Source: Nintendo®

Peach’s importance to the Super Mario Bros. franchise can be verified by her constant appearances throughout various Nintendo games. Games ranging from the ever-popular Mario Party franchise to the plethora of Nintendo Sporting game options. She’s even playable on the recently released Mario Kart Booster Course tracks.

Modern Day Peach

in Super Mario Odyssey™ Peach’s role takes a twist. Whilst still being the damsel, her reasoning for capture becomes themed — within this game, a wedding.

Source: Nintendo®

Within this latest 3-D game, Mario races throughout kingdoms to end the force-upon wedding of Bowser and Peach, leading to the finale where you witness Peach in a complete outfit change, her being in a wedding dress, aside from her iconic pink gown.

As you continue throughout the game, you’re greeted by Peach as you go back to revisit various kingdoms as she vacations there in various get-ups showcasing a new side of the princess — chic fashionista. Her newly-emphasized passion of fashion shows off her desire for individuality. Furthermore, her wanderlust spirit showcases her desire to be independent by showing how she ventures into kingdoms unknown to embark on her own sightseeing escapade.

Source: Nintendo®

More recently, Peach continues her growth as her portrayal is becoming more active, and she’s becoming a more capable character with strengths and abilities that Nintendo seems to emphasize on more. It’s refreshing to see that she’s more than a damsel who’s constantly in the throes of distress but a character with depth, strengths, weaknesses and decisions to make like the rest of us which is why her image has become so iconic throughout the gaming world.

Her strength is magnified on the latest Super Mario Bros. Movie as she is portrayed as a strong-willed, and courageous contender for a battle against the notorious foe, Bowser. Her willingness to fight shows her drastic change from the Peach we were introduced to in the 1980s.

The Future for the Princess

Source: Nintendo®

As she continues to evolve, she’s surely to become an even stronger and more independent character that will be explored further in her upcoming featured game Princess Peach™: Showtime being released in March 2024.

Source: Universal Pictures® | Nintendo®

Princess Peach, the sweet and gentle ruler of Mushroom Kingdom has surely won the heart of many, so much so that even songs were written about her. Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches is surely not one that can easily be forgotten!



Michael McDonald

Writer by day - gamer by night. Writing all things gaming from News, Updates and More