30 new Android Libraries and Projects released in Summer 2017 which should catch your attention

Michal Bialas
11 min readSep 25, 2017


The summer is over and this is a great time to present my subjective list of 30 Android libraries and projects released in the last 3 months. Some of them can be used in production, some of them definitely not, but playing with all of them will be pure fun. They are definitely worthy to check. Enjoy!

1. MaterialStepperView
This is a library which implements Steppers from Material Design Components.

Currently, there is only Vertical Stepper View but more styles will come in the future. You can check, how it looks below:

You can customise normal/active point colour, done icon, as well as enable animation and set its duration. To check it, please visit Set item values and styles on its Github.
This library supports API 17+ and has a quite comprehensive wiki available here.

2. MultiSnapRecyclerView

This is an Android Library for multiple snapping of RecyclerView. MultiSnapRecyclerView easily provides a snapping feature to your RecyclerView.

Currently it offers:

  • gravitated snapping to start, end and center,
  • snap count to specify a number of items to scroll over,
  • support for horizontal and vertical scrolling,
  • listener to be called when snapped.

Below is the example, how to use the library.

3. Garland View for Android

This is a library that we can consider as a skeleton for creating layouts as presented below:

GarlandView consists of classes for inner items that are scrolled vertically and outer items that are scrolled horizontally, and each of which contains one inner item.

Rest of the important information you can find in README. There is also an example app. The library supports API 19 and above.

4. VegaLayoutManager

This is a customised LayoutManager — fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling. It was inspired by this Dribble project.

5. ExpandableLayout

The name of this library is self-explanatory. It is a expandable layout, based on LinearLayout.

README contains all information you need to get started.
It is well-documented. In addition, there is an example app to quickly jump to the code.

6. SwipeBackLayout

SwipeBackLayout is a library that can finish an Activity by using gestures.
You can set the slide direction, such as FROM_LEFT, FROM_TOP, FROM_RIGHT and FROM_BOTTOM.
You can also set whether it can only slide from the edge.

SwipeBackLayout must contain only one direct child, such as:

  • LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, TableLayout etc.
  • ScrollView, HorizontalScrollView, NestedScrollView etc.
  • RecyclerView, a subClass of AbsListView(ListView etc.)
  • ViewPager, WebView etc.

The project has a comprehensive documentation, sample app and an APK.

7. SmartCropper

This is a library for cropping image in a smart way that can identify the border and correct the cropped image. Applicable to ID cards, business cards, documents and other photos of the crop.


  • Crop image in a smart way that can identify the border,
  • support drag anchors, magnifying glass effect to enhance the positioning experience,
  • use the perspective transform to crop and correct the selection to restore the front image,
  • support rich UI settings, such as auxiliary lines, mask, anchor, magnifying glass and so on.

Currently, the library uses optimised points sorting algorithm.
CropImageView has selection magnifying effect and it can use CropImageView XML settings.

8. Date Range Picker

Date Range Picker is a Calendar Picker View to show a customised Date Range Picker with improved UI.

A description of the project is well-written and easy to read.

9. StoriesProgressView

Everybody knows Stories which Facebook and Instagram presented on their apps. Here is a library which introduces StoriesProgressView which extends LinearLayout and allows you to add View like below:

The project contains a short but comprehensive README along with sample app.

10. CosmoCalendar

This library is a custom calendar which offers many features and UI modifications like:

  • changing calendar orientation,
  • setting custom text colours,
  • setting selection types and colours,
  • defining navigation buttons etc.,
  • many more.

11. Reflow Text Animator

I hope everybody heard about Plaid app. This library developed by Shazam Engineering team, is a

port of Plaid’s ReflowText that allows easily transitioning between sibling TextViews — no matter their size or style.

The library is really easy to use, plug and play!

12. AdaptiveIconPlayground

This is not a library, but a standalone Android app developed by Nick Butcher for experimenting with adaptive icons. According to the README:

This app finds all installed apps supporting an adaptive icon and displays them in a grid. It then allows you to toggle different mask shapes (approximating how the icon might display on different devices) and explore visual effects may be applied. Currently offered:
Layer translation parallax based on scroll
Layer scale parallax based on touch

13. Tivi

Tivi is an application which tracks TV shows and it is connected to Track.tv. It is developed by Chris Banes. The work is still in progress but what is important, it uses the cutting-edge components, libraries and tools which includes: Kotlin, RxJava 2, usage of all of the Architecture Components (Room, LiveData and Lifecycle-components) and usage of dagger-android for dependency injection.

14. RxIdler

This is an IdlingResource for Espresso which wraps an RxJava Scheduler developed by Square Engineering. It supports RxJava 1 and RxJava 2 as well. Happy Instrumentation testing!

15. MRichEditor

This is a rich text editor sample (based on summernote).
It supports many features, including: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-through, Headings (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Paragraph, Quote, (Un)Ordered List, Code, Horizontal Rule, Link, Image, Justify (Center, Fill, Left, Right), Subscript, Superscript, Font Name and Size, Indent, Outdent, Undo / Redo.

In this case you need to base on the sample app, as there is almost no documentation.

16. Android Clean Architecture Boilerplate

This is boilerplate app that shows a clean architecture approach to Android apps developed by Buffer team and Joe Birch.

Reasons for creating this boilerplate:

To experiment with modularisation.

To share some approaches to clean architecture.

To use as a starting point in future projects where clean architecture feels appropriate.

The project is written 100% in Kotlin with both UI and Unit tests.
It is really well-documented and great for education purposes! 100% recommendation.

17. RxJava2Debug

If you use RxJava, you know that sometimes it is difficult to read exceptions and find an issue in your Rx stream. And this is the reason why this library was created. You can read more about rational in README.

The library offers:

  • stack trace generation,
  • stack trace filtering.

18. Resizer

Resizer is a lightweight and easy-to-use Android library for image scaling. It allows you to resize an image file to a smaller or bigger one while keeping the aspect ratio.

The library is inspired by Compressor library.

The library specification:

Minimum SDK: API 21

Default settings:
targetLength: 1080
quality: 80
outputFormat: JPEG
outputDirPath: the external files directory of your app

Supported input formats:

Supported output formats:

Supported quality range: 0~100
The higher value, the better image quality but larger file size
PNG, which is a lossless format, will ignore the quality setting

19. FaceDetector

This library allows you to detect faces in real time on a camera preview. It greatly works with Fotoapparat library, but is supports also other camera libraries and sources.
The usage is simple and the project is quite well documented.

20. RxGps
This is another library from Florent Champigny. It easily finds a current location for us. It is RxJava2 compatible. It also automatically asks for GPS runtime permissions and checks if play services are available for you.

21. MapMe

MapMe is an Android library for working with Maps. MapMe brings the adapter pattern to Maps, simplifying the management of markers and annotations.

MapMe works with Google Maps and Mapbox. README is comprehensive and the library is written in Kotlin.

22. RevelyGradient

This is a library for an easy gradient management.

You can use it in Java or in Kotlin. Documentation is short but enough to start with ease.

23. LiteUtilities

This is a library written in Kotlin, which helps to eliminate boilerplate from your code. Currently it offers:

  • RecyclerUtils — Remove the need to make an adapter everytime, set up recycler adapter in as little as 4 lines.
  • ScrollUtils — Easily hide/show FloationActionButton on scroll when using RecyclerView or NestedScrollView.
  • ToastUtils — Creating toasts are just a function away.
  • SPUtils — Simple DSL for Shared Preferences.
  • ValidatorUtils — Fast and simple text validation.
  • LogUtils — Simple and easy android logging.

24. KOIN

KOIN is a dependency injection framework that uses Kotlin and its functional power to get things done!

According to the author, there is:

  • No proxy/CGLib,
  • No code generation,
  • No introspection

Its documentation is really good, with examples and wiki. There are also contact information (even with Slack).

25. koptional

Minimalistic Optional type for Kotlin that tries to fit its null-safe type system as smooth as possible.

Rationale according to authors:

We don’t think that Kotlin itself needs Optional because it has strong null-safe type system that effectively eliminates need in such a wrapper. However there are APIs and libraries like RxJava 2 which don't accept nullvalues.

We also think that in many cases you can use sealed classes to express absent values, however in simple cases like passing String? through Rx stream Optional is a more convenient solution.

For more go to their Github.

26. Parallax

This is an easy parallax View for Android simulating Apple TV App Icons.

README is really good and worthy to check.

27. droid-vizu

Droid-vizu aims to provide customised visualisation effects by easily swapping Renderer to get cool effects

28. Drone

This is not the Android library but a library manager delivered by César Ferreira. It was written due to jealousy of the node.js community for their fast and reliable dependency managers. So instead of googling a library, checking it, reading docs etc., you just do:

drone add creator/library module

For instance:

drone add jakewharton/butterknife

The documentation is really good and this is really worthy to check.

29. From-design-to-Android-part2

This is a project covering creating neat UI on Android. This time, Saúl Molinero covers:

It is a truly great lecture!

30. Reagent

Reagent is a Jake Wharton place for experiments for future reactive libraries. Should you use it? No.

That’s it. I hope you enjoyed the list. If you like my article, please don’t forget to click 👏👏👏 to recommend it to others 👏👏👏.

Also, to be notified about my new articles and stories, follow me on Medium and Twitter. You can find me on LinkedIn as well. Cheers!



Michal Bialas

Senior Engineering Manager • 1M+ views on Medium • Software Engineer • I write about Mobile📱 and share tech tips & tricks 🤓