Top Web Design Challenges Small Businesses Face

4 min readDec 20, 2016


The process of offline businesses gaining a hub in online arena is accompanied with a number of tasks, which such enterprises never faced up to before. Branding, logo and website design, custom or CMS-based website development, choosing a hosting provider — multiple things to be considered. In this article we will take a precise look at the challenges connected with web design small business undergoes.

Due to the fact that most small business owners rely on a limited budget, they always try to find low-cost solutions, and saving money on website design and development is a common practice. Thus, in search of budget-friendly solutions one can opt for cooperating with amateur graphic designers or utilising multiple free open-source libraries available on the internet like WordPress, Medium or Ghost. Building and designing a website without the help of professionals at all is another widespread mistake. All these methods oftentimes appear to be even more expensive in the long run than cooperating with a digital agency that offers high quality web design services for small business. While they can lead to the issues with user interface, website performance and many others, which consequently have to be eliminated one way or another.

Lack of UI Knowledge

Lacking proper understanding of graphic design and UI, one can create a website, that not simply lags behind the competitors, but puts off potential users whatsoever. Among the gravest mistakes of the visual representation of the websites are:

  • Misuse of fonts

Having numerous font families to choose from a lot of amateur graphic designers tend to combine mismatching fonts in one design pattern, fail to pick out the proper font for certain niche websites and neglect such basic things as kerning and spacing.

Terribly Used Fonts of Web Design Small Business
  • Improper layout

The layout of the whole content displayed on a website is rather important. For one thing, it is the matter of aesthetics, for another, presentation of the information on the website can either enhance user experience or puzzle users completely, so it should be well thought out. Among common layout issues is neglecting visual hierarchy rules scaling elements of minor importance and leaving the vital ones without enough notice. Besides, inexperienced designers forget about aligning the elements and create a messy and chaotic design. What is more, a lot of people are afraid of negative space and try to fill all the white space on the web page with as many elements as possible, whether text or images.

Website for Small Business with Terrible Layout
  • Media issues

Incorporating images, infographics, videos, banners and other media into a website for small business is not an easy task either. Using raster images which are impossible to scale, or plagiarizing images from free repositories can make the website look unprofessional.

Small Business Website Designer with Raster Image of a Bad Quality
  • Poor communication

It happens that while designing a website one gets so excited to create something pretty and sophisticated, that the final design doesn’t correspond to the initial business purposes of the website at all, and the user entering such a website will definitely get confused.

Web Design Services for Small Business With an Entertaining Design

Template Usage

Internet is rich in website development platforms and website theme and template repositories like Joomla, Drupal or Shopify, which let people without proper technical expertise build good quality websites. Using these resources is rather an opportunity than a misstep, but there still is a downside. In order to create really worthy websites on such platforms, which would stand out the other websites created with the help of the above-mentioned tools, one have to possess certain expertise to properly customize the website template, make it look original and enable all the functionality offered by these repositories. Putting this task on the shoulders of an amateur small business website designer would be undoubtedly wrong.


Responsiveness is an integral feature of any website. According to statistics, 60% of internet users access web applications from mobile devices rather than from desktops. It requires business owners ensure there websites are responsive, look perfect and are convenient to use on any device from a laptop to a smartphone and to a tablet. Responsiveness can be achieved while using relevant tools and plugins, though it is much more effective to create separate but similarly styled design to display the website on different mobile devices. Ignoring this aspect might have a damaging impact on the business.

Web Design for Small Business Matters

Web and mobile development companies like Mobilunity provide a whole range of web design services for small business. Our company engages the latest technologies combined with the free open-source services available to decrease the cost of web design and development. Though we always think about the end result of our work, as well as our client’s business success, adding a great deal of personal involvement and custom development.

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