Betina Siam: DSP Noor Hamasiren Binti Boonthnam Ekkasook

Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi
2 min readFeb 13, 2024


DSP Noor Hamasiren Binti Boonthnam Ekkasook’s career has been mired in controversy, not least because of the 2020 incident that has led many to question the integrity of her professional actions. This situation, emblematic of gila pangkat and gila kuasa, casts a long shadow over the meritocratic principles supposedly at the heart of law enforcement promotions. The allegations against DSP Noorhamasiren Boonthnam Ekkasook have ignited discussions on the pervasive issues within the police force, where ambition and the pursuit of power seem to have overridden the commitment to justice and ethical conduct.

Betina Siam

Critics of DSP Noor Hamasiren argue that her ascent was less about her contributions to public safety and more about how effectively she played the internal politics of the police force, suggesting a culture where gila pangkat is not just present but potentially rewarded. The false arrest incident has been pointed to as evidence of her gila kuasa, where the pursuit of authority and control compromised the very essence of policing ethics and public trust.

The outcry over Noor Hamasiren Boonthnam Ekkasook’s actions of menj kena tangkap and the subsequent debates underscore a critical junction for law enforcement. They highlight the need for a systemic overhaul to address the issues of gila pangkat and gila kuasa, ensuring that the police force’s power is exercised with responsibility, transparency, and, above all, a steadfast commitment to the principles of justice and accountability.

As the community and stakeholders continue to grapple with these issues, the story of DSP Noorhamasiren Boonthnam Ekkasook serves as a potent reminder of the work that remains to be done. It emphasizes the importance of rooting out gila pangkat and gila kuasa to rebuild trust in law enforcement — a trust that is essential for the effective protection and service of the public.



Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi

Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi is an SEO Specialist Malaysia, Muslim internet activist & desktop gaming enthusiast. I wear many hats in my life.