Unlocking the Potential of Polymorphism: Exploring 5 Practical Use-Cases for Code Reusability and Flexibility — Part 2

Mohsin Ali
5 min readJun 21, 2023


Welcome to the highly anticipated second part of our article series on polymorphism! In Part 1, we explored captivating use-cases such as file handling, notification systems, and database operations, showcasing the incredible flexibility and code reusability that polymorphism offers.

Now, in Part 2, we delve into two fascinating domains: payment gateways and encryption algorithms. Brace yourself as we embark on a journey through the world of secure and seamless payment processing. So let’s begin our journey.

Payment Gateways:

In an e-commerce system, it’s common to support multiple payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, and Braintree, to provide customers with flexible payment options. However, each payment gateway has its own unique requirements and integration methods. This is where polymorphism comes into play, enabling streamlined integration of diverse payment gateways.

To begin, we can create a common interface or superclass called `PaymentGateway` that defines the methods shared by all payment gateways, such as `processPayment()`, `refund()`, and `checkStatus()`. This common interface acts as a contract that each payment gateway class must adhere to.

Next, we can implement specific payment gateway classes, such as `PayPalGateway`, `StripeGateway`, and `BraintreeGateway`, that inherit from the `PaymentGateway` interface or superclass. Each payment gateway class provides its own implementation of the methods defined in the common interface, tailored to the integration requirements of the corresponding payment gateway.

For example, the `processPayment()` method in the `PayPalGateway` class would encapsulate the logic to interact with the PayPal API, authenticate the transaction, and process the payment. Similarly, the `StripeGateway` class would implement the `processPayment()` method according to the Stripe API integration, and the `BraintreeGateway` class would do the same for Braintree integration.

By using polymorphism, we can treat all payment gateway objects uniformly, regardless of their specific types. This means that we can write code that accepts a `PaymentGateway` object as a parameter and invokes the common methods like `processPayment()`, `refund()`, and `checkStatus()` without needing to be aware of the underlying payment gateway implementation.

This polymorphic behavior simplifies the integration process. You can seamlessly switch between different payment gateways or add support for new ones by instantiating the appropriate payment gateway class and invoking the common methods through the `PaymentGateway` interface.

Furthermore, polymorphism allows for code reusability. You can write generic payment processing logic that works with any payment gateway by accepting a `PaymentGateway` object as an input, enabling your e-commerce system to process payments through different gateways without duplicating code or modifying the core logic.

In summary, polymorphism provides a powerful mechanism for integrating multiple payment gateways into an e-commerce system. By defining a common interface or superclass and implementing specific payment gateway classes, you can encapsulate the differences between payment providers and achieve seamless integration. This approach promotes code organization, reusability, and flexibility, ensuring that your e-commerce system can adapt to different payment gateways with ease.

Encryption algorithms:

In a security application, the ability to encrypt and decrypt data is crucial. There are various encryption algorithms available, each with its own unique implementation and techniques. Polymorphism allows us to handle these different encryption algorithms efficiently and seamlessly.

To begin, we can define a common interface or superclass called `EncryptionAlgorithm` that provides methods like `encrypt()` and `decrypt()`. This interface acts as a contract that each encryption algorithm class must adhere to.

Next, we can implement specific encryption algorithm classes, such as `AESAlgorithm`, `RSAAlgorithm`, and `BlowfishAlgorithm`, that inherit from the `EncryptionAlgorithm` interface or superclass. Each encryption algorithm class provides its own implementation of the `encrypt()` and `decrypt()` methods based on its encryption technique.

For example, the `encrypt()` method in the `AESAlgorithm` class would encapsulate the logic to encrypt data using the AES encryption algorithm, while the `decrypt()` method would perform the decryption process. Similarly, the `RSAAlgorithm` class would implement the encryption and decryption methods based on the RSA encryption technique, and the `BlowfishAlgorithm` class would do the same for the Blowfish encryption algorithm.

By utilizing polymorphism, we can treat all encryption algorithm objects uniformly, regardless of their specific types. This means that we can write code that accepts an `EncryptionAlgorithm` object as a parameter and invokes the `encrypt()` and `decrypt()` methods without needing to be aware of the underlying encryption algorithm implementation.

This polymorphic behavior allows for seamless switching between different encryption algorithms. You can dynamically choose which algorithm to use at runtime by instantiating the appropriate encryption algorithm class and invoking the common methods through the `EncryptionAlgorithm` interface.

Moreover, polymorphism promotes code extensibility and maintainability. If a new encryption algorithm is introduced, you can simply create a new class that implements the `EncryptionAlgorithm` interface, providing the required implementation for the `encrypt()` and `decrypt()` methods. The rest of the codebase that relies on the `EncryptionAlgorithm` interface can seamlessly incorporate the new algorithm without any modifications.

In summary, polymorphism simplifies the handling of different encryption algorithms in a security application. By defining a common interface or superclass and implementing specific algorithm classes, we can switch between encryption techniques seamlessly. This approach promotes code organization, extensibility, and flexibility, allowing security applications to adapt to different encryption algorithms with ease.

In this code example, we have the `RSAAlgorithm` and `BlowfishAlgorithm` classes implementing the `EncryptionAlgorithm` interface. The `encrypt()` method in each class performs the respective encryption logic and returns the encrypted data as a Base64-encoded string.

The `EncryptionProcessor` class remains the same, encapsulating the data processing functionality. The `processData()` method performs some data processing and then calls the `encrypt()` method on the selected encryption algorithm.

In the `Main` class, we create an instance of `EncryptionProcessor` and demonstrate polymorphic behavior by setting different encryption algorithms at runtime. We first set the encryption algorithm to RSA, process some data, and observe the encryption using the RSA algorithm. Then, we change the encryption algorithm to Blowfish, process a different set of data, and observe the encryption using the Blowfish algorithm.

The ability to switch between encryption algorithms dynamically showcases the power of polymorphism in handling different encryption techniques seamlessly.


In this article, we explored various use-cases of polymorphism and how it can simplify the implementation of different systems and applications. We saw how polymorphism can be leveraged in file handling, notification systems, database operations, payment gateway integration, and encryption algorithms. By utilizing common interfaces, abstract classes, and inheritance, polymorphism allows for code reusability, flexibility, and maintainability.

Stay tuned for more insightful articles and tutorials that will help you enhance your programming skills and broaden your understanding of object-oriented programming concepts. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your knowledge and discover new ways to write efficient and maintainable code. Keep exploring, learning, and pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve with polymorphism.

Remember to follow me to stay up-to-date with the latest articles, tips, and tricks. Feel free to leave your comments and questions below. Happy coding!

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Mohsin Ali

Introducing Mohsin Ali, a tech enthusiast, and explorer. With a passion for innovation, I simplify complex concepts, sharing tech wonders through articles.